Mini Sucess!

inuit Posts: 72 Member
I made a major decision to lose weight in the middle of October and the first few weeks felt a bit like torture, then i found MFP about 4 weeks ago. It made me realise i do not have to diet, just eat healthier, but if i want a drink or a chocolate biscuit i can, as long as i log it and do not go over my limit. Also i realised how important it was to get off my backside and get active.

I do need to lose weight as i want to start horse riding again, but i have realised that i am not going to make the weight (goals way to unrealistic) to make the training for the spring shows, so i have put that goal aside and planning to buy my own horse hopefully in the summer. I wont only be lighter but stronger with the excerise i am doing and more likely to keep it off.

I love the sucess stories on here and in particular the threads with pics. I have my before pic, but i am saving that until i lose a little more.

I am 5ft 6 and now weigh 222lbs lost 18lbs.

My measurements have dropped by (inches)
Bust Under Bust Midriff Waist Stomach hips Top Leg Leg
2.25 2.75 1.25 1.5 2 3.5 2 5.75

Thats a total of 21 inch in these areas. I feel better and people are starting to notice.

I havent done anything out of the ordinary, just cut my calories, i started at 1200 net, but i have upped it over a the last week or so, as i found nothing was moving, some naughty things have sneaked back in, but i am not going to lose control, logging everything is helping sooo much.

I excerise most days, swim each week day only for about 20 mins, 10 mins hard swimming and then 5 mins in the steam room and back in for another 10 - 15 mins, i am a very average swimmer so it is quite gentle compared to many that go in our pool. If i do not swim i do 30 - 45 mins on the rowing machine/treadmill etc, tend to do 10 mins on each as i get bored with machines. I also do the 30ds onto day 7 level one, again i push myself, but wont kill myself doing it as i want to sort of enjoy it, not dread it. I modify some of the movements and each day i try and do a few more of the moves that i struggle with. I have a lot to lose and along way to go, so have plenty of time to do it several times over, before those abs really start to show and need the final toning. I also do a few kettle bell exercises if i am not on earliers at work and a few crunches etc, enough to push me but not cause me injury. I am building up slowly. Seen a great improvement in my cardio and strength already and actually loving excersie, never thought i would say that.

At the weekends when i am not at the gym i take the dog out for a long walk, clean the chicken run and sweeping the yard is a great 30 mins workout.

MFP and the stories on here have been a great inspiration. It makes it so much easier for me to stay focused and motivated.


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