Stress and weight loss


I am 44 and trying to lose weight (about 45#) I am exercising 3-4 times per week(weights, eliptical, swimming), eating my 1200 calories and eating my exercise calories about half of the time.

I have 5 kids and there has been a lot of extra activity lately causing some increase stress. Within the last year we have sold our home and relocated for financial reasons. My husbanc has a new job (which I thank God every day for ) and is out of town Monday through Saturday. My mother has come to live with us, which is a really nice thing, but another change and my oldest has graduated from college to return home and join the ranks of the unemployed. So, yes, to be honest, I have some stress!

I started mid January and in the first 3 weeks I lost 5 pounds...encouraging!

Now I am gaining! (2-3#)

At first I related it to menses but that being over, I have no tangible reason.

Any ideas? Can stress cause you to gain weight? I think of some of the TV ads for products that decrease cortisol. Is there truth in that?

Thanks for your help


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    I am 44 and trying to lose weight (about 45#) I am exercising 3-4 times per week(weights, eliptical, swimming), eating my 1200 calories and eating my exercise calories about half of the time.

    I have 5 kids and there has been a lot of extra activity lately causing some increase stress. Within the last year we have sold our home and relocated for financial reasons. My husbanc has a new job (which I thank God every day for ) and is out of town Monday through Saturday. My mother has come to live with us, which is a really nice thing, but another change and my oldest has graduated from college to return home and join the ranks of the unemployed. So, yes, to be honest, I have some stress!

    I started mid January and in the first 3 weeks I lost 5 pounds...encouraging!

    Now I am gaining! (2-3#)

    At first I related it to menses but that being over, I have no tangible reason.

    Any ideas? Can stress cause you to gain weight? I think of some of the TV ads for products that decrease cortisol. Is there truth in that?

    Thanks for your help
  • Lettuce13
    Yes, stress can cause weight gain. Eat your exercise calories first of all, I know it seems counterintuitive. Are you drinking plenty of water? There is evidence that green tea is helpful in metabolising fat. I drink that a lot to get more fluids into my body. Green tea is also high in anti-oxidants! You can get it in all kinds of yummy flavors too. Also, get a yoga tape/DVD from the library if you don't already have one. Yoga is good for stress-reduction and for flexibilty, strength, etc. I also find that sex with my husband is a great stress-reducer (& GREAT EXERCISE!):happy:
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    First I have to put my two cents in about TV weight loss products-Don't do it! You never know what you are actually getting. Plus any of the products that speeds up your metabolism will only cause more weight gain after you stop using them because they alter your metabolism to be slightly dependent on them. Look at ex-smokers for a great example of this problem. Nicotine speeds up the metabolism and suppresses appetite. They stop smoking and immediately gain weight. :smokin:

    It's really possible that your intake of calories is too low or that you aren't eating enought carbs for fuel. If you have health insurance a dietician is a girl's waist line's best freind. :smile:

    Stress and lack of sleep can cause weight gain. Other factors can be things like thyroid which effects I believe around 80 percent of all US woman.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    I am 44 and trying to lose weight (about 45#) I am exercising 3-4 times per week(weights, eliptical, swimming), eating my 1200 calories and eating my exercise calories about half of the time.

    I have 5 kids and there has been a lot of extra activity lately causing some increase stress. Within the last year we have sold our home and relocated for financial reasons. My husbanc has a new job (which I thank God every day for ) and is out of town Monday through Saturday. My mother has come to live with us, which is a really nice thing, but another change and my oldest has graduated from college to return home and join the ranks of the unemployed. So, yes, to be honest, I have some stress!

    I started mid January and in the first 3 weeks I lost 5 pounds...encouraging!

    Now I am gaining! (2-3#)

    At first I related it to menses but that being over, I have no tangible reason.

    Any ideas? Can stress cause you to gain weight? I think of some of the TV ads for products that decrease cortisol. Is there truth in that?

    Thanks for your help

    Cortisol is real, but the blockers they advertise are generally not real, nor are most of them FDA approved for this use. What blocks cortisol? High intesity training, either weight lifting with max weight (google that phrase if you don't know what that means), or short, extremely high intensity cardio activities like Sprints, or HIIT training. Because testosterone and HGH block cortisol release, and these two activities increase Testosterone and HGH release in the body, they will help redude stress related weight gain. But of course, they can't help stress eating, nothing will help that but will power. So stay strong, and go do some intense workouts. It's true what they say about exercise relieving stress!