What do you ladies do for horrible Aunt flow visits?



  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I think you should talk to your doctor. A lot of these are good options, but everyone is different and you may have certain conditions or risk factors for certain conditions that they may not be good options for you. You doctor should be able to help
  • I know that a lot of people are pushing the birth control idea, but I guess maybe it's the holistic side of me that is screaming "no!!!". I went off birth control because the chances of breast cancer go up pretty substantially, plus, you are putting artificial hormones that your body has a really hard recognizing them and shuts down making it's own. It took my body almost a year to get back on track once I stopping taking BC, and it was not a fun experience at ALL. Study up on the hazards of BC, even my gyno says that BC has the most risk than any other form. For PMS, I would recommend trying a natural progesterone cream for about 3 months. Don't use a lot, but just a little to help ease the symptoms you are talking about. PMS is NOT normal. It is caused by a hormonal balance that is caused by mal-nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle or unfortunately, some people are just genetically predisposed to have it. You can ease symptoms as well by supplementing with calcium (won't have immediate relief, but it started to help me after about 3 months) and I take magnesium when I have cramps. I'm not sure what your diet is like, but try eating more natural, less processed (I have a problem with this myself =\).
    Totally agree, birth control is not the answer. There are way too many nasty side effects and risks, I am sure if you do a little research you will find that out for yourself. I would look up natural ways to relieve it, and worst case scenario you try a prescription pill.
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I feel your pain. I have horrible PMS symptoms the week before and during. Not to mention the severe cramping that always causes me to have anxiety attacks where I'm on the floor praying to God to please take my pain away. I've found the only thing to help relieve the cramping is taking 4-5 advil and hydrocdone once I start feeling the slighest cramps coming on. I've tried several birth control pills and nothing has helped. I've even had periods last a month long and the Dr's always say there is nothing wrong with me and that it's normal. Sorry, but month long periods aren't normal.

    I think the older I get, the worse my cramping gets too. I dread the first three days of my period...that's when I suffer the most and going to the gym during this time, forget it. Not happening....
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    I use to have awful periods I could sleep the entire day had cramps from hell I even told to the Dr. about it when I had my yearly check up she said it was normal but I noticed they are much better now I really belive they changed thru just having a better diet and exercise I dont have cramps no were near as bad as use to do and after day 1 feel fine and do my normal workouts but if you dont think your period normal go to your doctor
  • chai_latte
    chai_latte Posts: 94 Member
    Hi there!! :)

    Mine is just around the corner and I have already started PMS symptoms...so I know exactly what you're talking about, for some of us it's a pain in the *kitten*!!

    I don't know if you've tried any of this...but it has helped me over time (pain / uncomfy feelings) have gotten better.

    1) pain pills are my best friend - take the pain pills BEFORE your cramps start, don't wait until it's already bad...
    2) hot water bags
    3) refrain from overdoing on the salty foods, it'll just cause you to bloat more
    4) drink lots and lots of hot water
    5) i read an article recently that taking vitamin supplements B1 and B2 help reduce PMS symptoms
    6) keep yourself busy
    7) if it's really THAT bad then surely make a visit to your Doc to get yourself checked out...better to be on the safe side right? :)
    8) these couple of days are my "rest" days, although it goes against what others are saying...but I truly need to rest my body during this time and it helps me :)

    and MOST importantly DO NOT weigh yourself until your period is OVER OVER OVER :) hehehee you really don't want to see a spike in your weight by 3-4 lbs and feel even worse. I made the mistake once and it was horrible and I just walked around the house all depressed....but after it's all over you pee all the water out, and you might even see a reduction in your weight!!! :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I find that exercising actually HELPS me!
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    honestly, I just try not to kill anyone.
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    If you're not on BC then stay that way; BC works very different for people and for me it just ruined me - it maybe temporary but it ruined me. I had the major craps, the lack of energy, lower back pains, headaches, vomiting, etc during my monthly cycle and I started BC and yes it took some of those symptoms away but it brought on new ones like depression, fatigue, and headaches...all month long. During my monthly I actually suffered from headaches 2 days before and all throughout my cycle till like maybe 2 days after finishing and my doctor said it was withdrawal. I decided to get off BC because I didn't like the idea of messing with my hormones but now I suffer from daily headaches, neck/back tension, fatigue, nausea after eating, and I feel like I'm in a fog all day and like I'm going to pass out - I've been off BC for 2 weeks and its an everyday thing and my doctor said I can feel like this from 3mos to a year till my hormones balance out again. So think very carefully before giving in to BC - I regret it; we're all different though.

    BUT, before settling for BC I used to lay in bed with a heating pad, take Advil, drink lots of water and get lots of rest; and after a nap I'd feel better and I'd get up and workout as hard and as much as I could. I also took iron supplements which my doctor recommended and it helped out a bit; multivitamins and drinking warm teas. I pretty much just had to get past the lethargic feeling; it was there but I really just pushed myself.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    For any women that have HORRIBLE cramps, please don't think this is normal! And if you plan on having children please go get checked out. I know more than one woman whose "cramps" ended up being endometriosis which causes fertility problems and sometimes they end up having hysterectomies. So it could be more serious than just having pain on a monthly basis.
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    Part of this post my sound absolutely gross but facts are facts!! I can not take birth control and my periods used to be just as bad. I have learned over the years that ADVIL is my best friend. I know it is a blood thinner which breaks up the blood clots that cause cramps. This may make you bleed a little more but it has helped me with all my symptoms except the emotional part. It has also made my periods go from 7-9 days down to 3-5 and become almost predictable. For the back pain I am a firm believer in heating pads and the thermo pads that you can get to wear all day long.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I was much worse when I was wheat free. Carbs are the best thing to beat PMT. Your body needs them at that time, and low carbing makes you much more irritable at PMT time.

    Now I make sure I eat what I want at that time, and try not to worry about the macros, though I do stay under on cals, and I am a lot better.
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I went to my OB/GYN, because my periods were horrible, he/she should be able to recommend what's best for you and your problems. Make an appointment and see what they have to say... :flowerforyou:

  • Well, how bad are your cramps? Is it so horrible that it gets in the way of every day activities? If it is, I urge you to see a doctor for recommendations.

    I also encourage you to not be swayed by people telling you that oral contraceptives increase your risk for breast cancer. There really isn't any conclusive research that finds your breast cancer risk overall increase due to oral contraceptives. Don't look for online articles because they'll just scare you. Look for research articles, and ask your doctor. It's your decision in the end.

    I was prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo (a low hormone dosage) and it had done miracles for my periods! :) And as a bonus, I can't get pregnant and I have clear skin, ha!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I used to get terrible cramps and PMT in my late teen and early 20's and used to use pain killers, hot water bottles, B12 and cammomile tea to lessen the effects. In the last 15 years my problems have lessened which is around the same time I stopped eating meat and poultry. Could be connected but may just be me getting older. I still get the odd month when it is bad, and I do find a good cardio session helps, so I do suspect diet and exercise helps.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Progesterone is wonderful! Estrogen makes it worse for me so the pill doesn't work for me.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    Try evening primrose oil, it is supposed to be good for PMS and you can get it anywhere (I get mine at Target)
  • klfazio
    klfazio Posts: 48 Member
    Don't forget you are most likely iron deficeint (not anemic, just deficient) as most women with heavy flows are and never know it. Irritability is also a symtom of low iron. Get a good OTC iron supplement and take 150-200 mg of elemental iron a day and you will feel a difference in 2-3 months (its takes awhile to build blood back up again.) Good luck to you.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    had to google that one - OUCH!
    I thought this was an unwanted relative or something - sorry.

    Hope you feel better....
  • I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and that time of the month is usually agony for me. No getting around without constant pain. It got to the point of panadol and nurofen together weren't working. BUT This time (when I knew it was due) I just concentrated on forcing myself to get up and do my exercise (have as much food as I needed - I ALWAYS over-eat!) and just keep on going. The pain actually barely reared its ugly head =O I was shocked. I do know the side effects of PCOS ease up when you lose a decent amount of weight (if you can because its so hard!) or if you're on the pill but I stopped taking the pill when pregnant and just haven't gone back on it. I would go to the doctors and get a few tests done just to check yourself out. I'm so glad Mum took me at 16 (wish it was sooner though). Good luck xx
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    As for the cramps, I used to get really bad ones and same with you if I was off I'd lounge around all day. I was going to go on BC to try to help with the symptoms, because I had started getting extremely nauseous the day of my period, so much that I never vomitted but I was close to it, and I couldn't work the first day. I mean I was at work a few times and I was pale and so sick. I did not like the side effects of BC. My mother recommended B Complex and B6 supplements. I was like, ok I'll try, I had my doubts, but it was worth a shot. I now take one of each every morning. My cramps, while still there are much less severe and I have not gotten nauseous once since (well due to my TOM anyways). I've also found that even if I have cramps, I go to work out and they feel even better after that.

    So B COmplex and B6 supplements