Help! Only 2 lb loss in 6 weeks...I'm at my cals and working



  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I think you need to eat more. 1200 calories is a base line for the body, and you don't really want to go below that. Depending on what your exercise burns are I would bump up your calories by at least 200. It's okay to have a day under 1200 net every so often, but you need to net 1200 consistently to keep your body from going into starvation mode and holding onto everything it can. Once your body realizes it's getting fuel and plenty of it, it will start releasing its grip and allow you to lose weight.
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Definitely eat your exercise calories...or at least most of them. I do and have lost 63 lbs. My goals were only set to 1200 for about 4 weeks. I have eaten between 1500-1800 for the past 9 months or so.
  • baristanatorLL
    baristanatorLL Posts: 34 Member
    Why types of food are you eating? Make sure you eat more protein and fat than sugar/carbohydrate. And lots of fiber can help, too. Meat and vegetables are the two best things for losing weight in my experience, and some high protein dairy. If you have trouble getting all of your fiber you could also take supplements or they make mix-in products that you can't taste when you combine them with your food/drinks. Good Luck!
  • cariliz
    Are you weighing and measuring your food or eyeballing? So many times if you aren't a stickler about the amounts you are under estimating the calories you are taking in daily.

    Thanks, I weigh the put where my husband is shaking his head. ;)

    Yes, I know the past week I was under my 1200 cal quite a few times.....but because I couldn't exercise due to my back injury, I felt like I shouldn't eat all of my I wasn't as hungry.

    You are all probably right,.....I should up my calories.....maybe to 1400??? I know it's a hard concept for me grasp that if I eat more, I may lose more. And I guess because I lost the weight 6 years ago on 1200 cal/day, I was thinking I could do the same.....but my metabolism is 6 years older as well. Just FYI, I did have a series of tests done 7 weeks thyroid issues, etc. Thanks everyone. Just another reason why I love MFP....the support is fabulous.
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Sounds like you've taken the advice on board. Glad to hear that there are no health issues acting as a barrier to your weight loss. This is a bit controversial but I don't think calorie counting is the be all and end all of weight loss...I've lost 6lbs in three months but achieved the same in three weeks when I followed an alternative regime in the summer of last year! I love MFP not for the calorie tracking but the accountability, the incentive to make healthy food choices and exercise, as well as the wealth of knowledge and support on here. I'm tempted to return to that style of eating (message me if you want to find out more) as I know it works, but I would still log everything on here.

    I put my calories up to 1300 and if I eat 1400-1500 once a week I don't worry about it.
  • anniewinter
    What I suggest, take it or leave it. before you eat or do anything weigh yourself in the same clothes each day, then as you start seeing a drop in the scales then you extend it out. It's because you are on 1200 and eating back your exercise, and some it is probably water weigh as well. You don't have to take what I say just a suggestion
  • rochey1098
    might i suggest eating your exercise calories? when you have such a low goal its very important to fuel your body properly.. while you stay close to the 1200, some days you are actually netting 116 calories - thats not enough to live on.

  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Your calories are TOO LOW!

    You did great at first before you messed up and stifled your metabolism.
    This is text book.

    Set your goals for a 1lb weight loss, eat back the calories your burn and get into the real work of fitness by working smart AND hard. You can do this.
  • LisaMariaCallow
    Don't give up!! The weight will come off!! You may be building muscle-how do your clothes fit? Stay with the program...there are so many amazing people here with truly inspiring stories who will walk this with you!!

    Add me if you need a buddy!! :drinker: (that's my coffee!!)
  • hlouisej
    If I were you I would definately take measurements. I have seen only a small drop on the scales over the past month but big changes is measurements that I might not have noticed if I hadn't been tracking them.
  • adlwilmot
    I'm suffering the same problem as you. I've been 95% good with my calories since I started on here, although haven't been giving exercise as much effort as I should. Even so, I still should've lost weight, but have found that it's no where near how much it should be. I also build muscle really quickly so it could well be a case that I've lost fat but gained muscle, hence the scales not moving much.

    My other half says he can see a difference on my backside and stomach, although the tape measure tells me I've lost nothing on my bum and a negligible amount on my stomach. I CAN see the difference on my stomach though, so perhaps that fat is disappearing and the muscles increasing!! And I have definitely lost 1 inch from my boobs and 1.5 inches from just under my boobs. The latter is the last place I put weight on, so I figure it makes sense that it would melt away from there first.

    Anyway, with all the advice I've read in response to your thread, I'm going to up my calorie intake to 1370 and see what happens. I actually did this a couple of days ago but didn't really stick to it.... in fact I went quite a bit over (albeit my diary doesn't really reflect this), so I'll be dilligent this time and see what happens.

    One thing's for sure, we weren't exercising or monitoring our calories before MFP, so what we ARE doing is much better than what we were doing before.

    Don't get disheartened. xxxx
  • richelle67
    Hi! I am no expert, but have been using this sight for 4 weeks, and am down 22lbs. thanks to my daughter. She had me start the Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle Mcdonald which is basically low carbs. And it has worked amazing. I basically eat protein and veggies and when I reach a plateau I throw in a day where I eat more food(whatever I want) and refuel. I do not understand the scientific information on it, all I know it is working and if I want a cookie, I eat one. I don't feel deprived. Good luck to you and don't give up. For the first time in my life, I see my goal attainable, and so is yours!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Just like to point out, that you are not gaining muscle on a calorie deficit.. it's damn near impossible to do that. Yes your muscles may be retaining water while they repair themselves from the workout.. but thats about.

    As everyone else said, eat more... try upping the loss to a pound a week and see what happens.
  • adlwilmot
    Hi! I am no expert, but have been using this sight for 4 weeks, and am down 22lbs. thanks to my daughter. She had me start the Rapid Fat Loss by Lyle Mcdonald which is basically low carbs. And it has worked amazing. I basically eat protein and veggies and when I reach a plateau I throw in a day where I eat more food(whatever I want) and refuel. I do not understand the scientific information on it, all I know it is working and if I want a cookie, I eat one. I don't feel deprived. Good luck to you and don't give up. For the first time in my life, I see my goal attainable, and so is yours!

    Like, like, like!! Well done!!
  • dniapas
    dniapas Posts: 29 Member
    Don't get on the scale as often. You might be losing the weight slowly, but fast weight loss is rarely sustainable. I've been at it for 321 days, and I've lost almost 60 lbs. I have about 12 more pounds to go.

    For me, the trick has been to eat the right types of foods. Calorie counting means a lot, but also having the right amount of other nutrients. I eat a lot of leafy greens like baby spinach and I try to eat at least two servings of fruit a day. Strawberries and watermelon have been a staple for me.

    Fiber is also very important. If you haven't tried them yet, the Fiber One Brownies are very good, and each one is only 90 calories.

    Good luck.
  • kir911
    kir911 Posts: 228 Member
    The other thing that alot of people have not mentioned is that it often takes 6-8 weeks for your body to really realize what is going on and for the weight loss to begin. It took me roughly 6 weeks for the scale to move. Your weight is not a good indication because depending on the time of day you weigh, salt intake, water intake and lots of factors your weight will go up and down throughout the day. But....I have lost as many inches as I have weight since I started MFP. I had lost 20 pounds before getting on here. I started MFP about 11 weeks ago now. I have lost another 15 lbs...but I have lost roughly 20 inches. So measuring is just as important if not more important than the scale. I didn't really start seeing a big difference in my clothes for about 8 weeks. patient and keep logging, exercising etc. I did not look at your diary, but, based on what everyone else is saying, sounds like you are not eating enough and that will stall your weight loss. Your body needs fuel to burn the fat. You need to eat! Meal, snack, meal, snack, meal, snack. Give it a shot! I know it is frustrating, I am in a plateau right now and it is aggravating, but you have to keep your body guessing. Hope this helps!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Sodium will make your body retain water if your eating to much daily intake is around 2400mg a day if you intake more your body will hold that water to make up for it

    remember also

    3500 cals to put on a lb and 3500 burned cals to take off a lb

    low carb is key also and staying away from junk and processed food helps and pop/soda
  • ingfit
    ingfit Posts: 180 Member
    I feel the same. Today I weighed in and gained the 2 lbs I lost last week and then 1 more - yikes. The first thing I did after I kicked my scale and screamed profanities at it, was to go make a cup of coffee (which I will log in my diary in a moment) and get on the message boards here and voila - your message screamed out to me. And then I realized I was not alone! I'm in my second week and I know that I need to stay the course and just tweek my eating (cals) and exercise. Is it possible to exercise too much consequently retain more water due to stressed out muscles? I'm reaching here. Any ideas? Help! Me too!
  • cariliz
    If I were you I would definately take measurements. I have seen only a small drop on the scales over the past month but big changes is measurements that I might not have noticed if I hadn't been tracking them.

    Thanks. I took initial measurements but haven't taken them since. Kinda scared. ;) Maybe I will whip out the damn tape measure tomorrow morn....gggrr. =)
    Sodium will make your body retain water if your eating to much daily intake is around 2400mg a day if you intake more your body will hold that water to make up for it

    remember also

    3500 cals to put on a lb and 3500 burned cals to take off a lb

    low carb is key also and staying away from junk and processed food helps and pop/soda

    Thanks, I try to stay at 2000mg of Na/day and I'm not a soda drinker at all. Although I do have a cup of coffee about every other day. ;) I thought about lowering my carbs.....even though I'm always a bit under what MFP suggest.
    Don't get on the scale as often. You might be losing the weight slowly, but fast weight loss is rarely sustainable.
    Fiber is also very important. If you haven't tried them yet, the Fiber One Brownies are very good, and each one is only 90 calories.
    I get on the scale only once a that too much? I keep in tucked away until my weigh in day....I'm in 2 challenges. I know some friends get on every day to keep them in "check", but I know I would drive myself crazy doing that.

    I will have to look for the Fiber One we are limited to what they have here at the commissary here in Germany. Danke.
  • cariliz
    I feel the same. Today I weighed in and gained the 2 lbs I lost last week and then 1 more - yikes. The first thing I did after I kicked my scale and screamed profanities at it, was to go make a cup of coffee (which I will log in my diary in a moment) and get on the message boards here and voila - your message screamed out to me. And then I realized I was not alone! I'm in my second week and I know that I need to stay the course and just tweek my eating (cals) and exercise. Is it possible to exercise too much consequently retain more water due to stressed out muscles? I'm reaching here. Any ideas? Help! Me too!
    Sorry to hear this is happening to you, but it's nice to know there are other's out there in the same boat.

    First of all, can I suggest adding the Sodium tab to your can add what you want displayed under your settings. Second, increase your water intake. 5-6 cups is not enough. If you're not a big water drinker try squeezing a lemon or lime in it. I'm not the best at these things hence why I asked here but Im sure if you do what others are suggesting to me that will help. ;)