Planned Days Off?

Just wondering, do any of you schedule a day each week when you don't diet? Or do you follow your plan every day? Some successful dieters say that a weekly day off can help people stick with a diet longer and help keep your body from getting too accustomed to a certain number of calories.


  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    I don't plan any days off on a weekly basis but I also allow myself days off if something crops up. For example, the past couple of weeks, I've been working lots and haven't been out with friends so I've just been sticking to my plan. But this week, I was out with friends the other day and I'm going out with my boyfriend tomorrow, so had some snacks at my friends house and will probably have dinner out tomorrow. So I'll have had a couple of days 'off' this week but don't plan any days to give myself freedom to eat what I like unless there's a reason I want to be normal and have dinner out etc.
  • CanDBlack
    I do allow myself one "cheat" day per week- typically Friday- where I allow myself to indulge in 1 thing that is outside of my food and nutrition goals. Even though I'm "cheating", I stay in my calorie goals, and it gives me something to look forward to and work for. Last week was a cupcake, this week was veggie pizza. I think you have to make sure you're being realistic and doing what works best for you. If you love sweets, for example, don't deprive yourself completely, just find a way to moderate your sweets intake in a healthy, realistic, long term way. Good luck!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Nope - no planned days off the diet... though I'm not against going over my calories on occasion, when so inspired. Since I don't set it to a day, I feel like I have more flexibility to play it by ear (e.g., join friends for an impromptu beer after work, maybe, or have a cookie at the office...).
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I don't plan my days off. Life throws me enough curve balls to keep me having a "non-diet" day every once in a while on accident. lol Sometimes my boyfriend comes home from work and wants to go eat pizza. Ugh. Or we're visiting his mom's house and she's not exactly planned a healthy meal. These are my "cheat days". Nothing planned, just working with what my life throws at me. heheh Knowing that these days happen once every couple of weeks makes me stay focused the rest of the time in preparation for those days.