Epic fail :(

Having such a bad day...so stressful.

I ate 2 choclate bars and a half bag of popcorn to drown my sorrow...unfortunately sorrow licked it's lips, flipped me the bird and told me now that it wants pizza :(

Seriously I don't know how to deal with stress in a healthy way...such a bad day....please just stop me...


  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    we all have off days. give yourself a manicure. keeps your hands occupied so you can't snack.
  • litati
    litati Posts: 20 Member
    just look at it like this is your cheat day... we are all allowed that... who knows when you weigh yourself in 2 days you will probably have lost weight.. bodies work that way.. i have found out.. i think the body gets "stressed" out.. so when you shock it and eat bad for one day it relaxes... dont worry... you will be fine.. i will be having pizza too....
  • tam823
    tam823 Posts: 85 Member
    I stress eat too. Even though I am so dedicated to my health, I fall off the wagon and when I usually do I fall super hard. I know how you feel. Just know tomorrow is another day and we can't change what happened, we can pick ourselves up, not beat ourselves up, and carry on with our health again. Don't let little hiccups in the road get you down. We ALL have them. You got this!
  • jennymac41
    Thank you all so much for all of your kind words and the encouragement.

    I read everything that you wrote when I got out of bed, and before breakfast I got on the elliptical and started a new day.

    Back on track...

    Thank you all again :)
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Stress is normal, everyone has to deal with it. Start trying to think of things you enjoy that help you unwind, and give yourself permission to enjoy them. You aren't going to change habits like that overnight, and one day isn't going to make you fat. You spent your whole life learning to deal with stress this way, don't "stress" over it taking a little time to change those coping strategies.

    I just discovered there's a solitaire version of the old Mastermind game called "Codebreaker" that's a free iPhone download. Definitely works for me.