My Food Diary

Constructive criticism on my food diary would be welcome. I need a little extra push. And its public now.


  • First off HOLY SODIUM :tongue: lol way to much of it and it looks like its mostly from the fast food that you have atleast once a day which i dont know your schedule but you can make those breakfast sandwiches at home with way less sodium. I also noticed you dont eat to much at lunch some times maybe some yogurt and cheese and then lots of snacks but again i dont know your schdule you might be one of the people who eats small meals every few hours...I would try and stay away from the fast food just cuz its a waste of cals and sodium every once in a while is not so bad but you could buy lunch meats and english muffins or bread and make them the night before so you can just grab one in the morning or for lunch to make it more convienent. Good job on the water your getting atleast 8 cups or more a day which is awesome. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    Yeah, I dont really eat a large lunch. I feel like I do better with several smaller "meals" during the workday.

    I think CFA is my one fast food weakness. Sodium is my next big hurdle to tackle. Really need to get it a little bit better
  • Im sure you will get it under control just takes some time :wink:
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi - for what it's worth I began a Paleo lifestyle diet in January this year.
    I have lost 5kg and have a lot more energy. It really suits me. My hubby lost 10 kg and has never felt better.
    You may care to have a look at to find out more.
    Good luck.
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi, just checked out your diary =) , I few suggestions , eat more clean foods, more veg , fruits , nuts and lean proteins. Your diet is very processed . which would be sucking up your energy and making you feel sluggish
    . Im mean all this in a constructive way and I wish you all the best.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Not really constructive criticism, but so happy to see some Wawa love in a food diary :)

    My first thought when looking at your diary was "where's the veggies?" I'd work on incorporating more vegetables into your diet - the bananas and apples are a good start, but veggies will give you more micronutrients and help you feel fuller longer. They don't have to be tough to prepare - my dad buys bags of frozen broccoli on sale and pops it in the microwave to eat with dinner. You can eat the whole bag for pretty few calories, too.

    Also, I'd nixx the fast food, or at least some of it. The Dunkin trips in the morning are okay - that's actually a decent amount of cals for breakfast, but I wouldn't recommend doing it every day (I would, however, eliminate Chick-Fil-A, but mostly because they're a horrible, evil, soulless corporation and I wouldn't want my hard-earned cash to be donated to one of their "recipients"...but maybe that's just me ;)

    Otherwise, great job with staying within your calorie counts every day! Can't wait to see your successes :)