mine broke?

i have had a pretty dependable HRM for some time now, I am switching up my workouts, i used to just walk, and do treadmill now i do some serious cardio like Leslie Sansone and 30 Day Shred and other vids. I am burning alot of cals...I noticed 1st day and 2nd of 30 day shred i did 350 cals...and Leslie Sansone normally I do about 285 ...3rd day of 30 DS i did over 400 and today i did treadmill and 30 DS and racked over 350 both times...does this mean I am getting in better shape able to move faster etc...or should i get a new HRM you all notice that the more you work out the better your burn is or is it just me


  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    mine are going down :( I just got my HRM this week, so i was using the MFP's numbers and it listed me as losing 554 calories. I did 20 min treadmill to begin, the 30 ds video and then 20 min of elliptical. When i got my HRM it showed me as only 324! so i guess i have been eating back too many of my exercise calories and that's why i wasn't losing weight! today i did my 30 ds ( day 6 level 1) and only burnt 126 calories and 116 ion 20 min elliptical. So i don't know if i am getting in better shape and not having to work as hard with the video now or?????
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    well i know my HRM was accurate on my daily walks at lunch ...and then when i started stepping things up a bit i am burning more cals...yours seem low...maybe your not wearing it tight enough,,I have had that problem before, especially with the cold weather, i have small wrists so i push it up on my arm so its tight...I am just hoping that the better shape you get it in the higher cal burn you get because you are more active
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I also use my HRM for the 30 day shred and burn about 320. I think your HRM is fine but it fluctuates depending on heart rate and intensity.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i just checked day 2 i was 358 and day 4 i was 458...i was more intense on day 4 but a hundred cal jump... i am super pumped about working out this week maybe that it
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    wow you guys burn more... this is so frustrating for me, i am trying so hard to lose weight and i am getting frustrated! i will try mine tighter tomorrow and see if that makes a difference...
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    wow you guys burn more... this is so frustrating for me, i am trying so hard to lose weight and i am getting frustrated! i will try mine tighter tomorrow and see if that makes a difference...

    The factors also depend on weight, height, sex, age, etc. I run for like 2 minutes and my heart rate is like 190. But that's because I'm out of shape. :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i'm far from in shape too... lol.... but most i know that does the video burn way more and some of them are close to my weight/ age.... and need to lose around the same amount.... i just seems to be failing from one thing to the next and not sure why or what i am doing wrong....
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    What HRM is it? And are the settings current? If they aren't, then that would account for the extra calorie burn.

    Also, the room where you exercise, is it unusually warm? That too can affect the HRM by raising your body temp, thus making your heart beat faster, even tho your not doing anything that would cause your heart to beat that fast.
  • queenbee917
    queenbee917 Posts: 50 Member
    I use my hrm for the 30 DS and I only burn 179 to 200!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    I use my hrm for the 30 DS and I only burn 179 to 200!

    ok now i feel better :)
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    it is a Sportline from that you mention it I never changed my age from my birthday that was in October...but the room I work out in is is an outside room that just has a spaceheater in it...I am dying after the workouts so maybe it is just my heart rate...I am normally not so hardcore during the workouts i normally walking. I haven had any trouble keeping up with the exercises on 30 DS but they are challenging to me
    What HRM is it? And are the settings current? If they aren't, then that would account for the extra calorie burn.

    Also, the room where you exercise, is it unusually warm? That too can affect the HRM by raising your body temp, thus making your heart beat faster, even tho your not doing anything that would cause your heart to beat that fast.
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Tried changing the batteries....? Mine goes dooooolally when the battery is on the way out.
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i will try the batteries...i just did day4 of 30 DS and it said 167 LOL
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    that's what mine says i burn on 30 ds.. around that.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    it is a Sportline from that you mention it I never changed my age from my birthday that was in October...but the room I work out in is is an outside room that just has a spaceheater in it...I am dying after the workouts so maybe it is just my heart rate...I am normally not so hardcore during the workouts i normally walking. I haven had any trouble keeping up with the exercises on 30 DS but they are challenging to me
    What HRM is it? And are the settings current? If they aren't, then that would account for the extra calorie burn.

    Also, the room where you exercise, is it unusually warm? That too can affect the HRM by raising your body temp, thus making your heart beat faster, even tho your not doing anything that would cause your heart to beat that fast.

    If it's a sportline, they are known for being a bit inaccurate anyway..... so I'd take it with a grain of salt and see what happens.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    what about the mio classic?
  • mrysnshn
    mrysnshn Posts: 36 Member
    I have a mio. I really like it. I just finished my second week of insanity. I know my heart rate is high compared to most peoples when working out. But this second week I have burned more calories than the first. I am also able to work out harder than before so I think that has a lot to do with it. I burn anywhere from 350 to almost 500 calories.
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    I had a Sportline from Walmart that I used religiously and had had it for about 2 yrs. That thing said I burmed mega-calories as much as 1100 in 1 workout! I didn't believe that so about 1 month ago I bought a Polar FT7. Now my burn is on avg. 380/hr. I do mix up my exercise routine/week, so my cal burn has dropped significately, but I believe the FT7 not the Sportsline.

    PS I did not try wearing both :-)