Lapband vs. Sleeve

Ive had the lapband for almost 2 years now and its just not working for me and Ive had 2 additional surgery's because of it. Having the port moved because my ribs were hitting it and then having a slippage.....Ive been looking into gastric bypass or the gastric sleeve.....Does anyone know which one would be better if any at all?


  • I hate to say this but have you tried changing your lifestyle and exercise? I went from being utterly depressed with severe anxiety attacks and 120 lbs overweight to less depressed, less anxious and 100 lbs lighter in under a year. If I can do it anyone can. Why try for the "quick fix" that has so many problems associated with it? My b/fs mom had a gastric bypass, she eventually gained back weight restreching the stomach out. If you don' t change your association with food it will be problematic forever.
  • Ive totally changed the way I eat etc, With a lapband you have to stay around 1000-1300 cals a day and I do, And I exercise here and there..I also have PCOS so its extremely hard to lose weight
  • I have pcos and I was on the or table about to have the sleeve done when the meds that they gave me went wrong and sent me to er and after a yr of prequalifactions I went home that day broken hearted but I have to say now I lose a lb a week on my own and have great friends here for motivation. I stay under the cals and workout 30 mins M-F and I am feeling so much better than starving to do it. Remember you must burn off those cals not just stay under them.
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    I have the sleeve and I absolutely love it!! I was considering the lapband but did my research and the chance of it slipping was high and also in a lot of cases it has to be replaced within 5 yrs. That said I do know people who have been successful with the band and feel and look amazing but it just wasn't for me. I was sleeved in jan 2011 and have lost 146 lbs to date and still losing. I only have 18 lbs til my goal of 140 and I am 5'5". Id do research and figure what's best for ur lifestyle and needs. And to the quick fix people get off ur high horse! I've had to change my lifestyle and my eating habits. Its not easy. For example I try to stay at about 1200 cals. I can't eat too much but if I ate nothing but cookies and ice cream yes I would gain it back. Its a decision everyday to eat healthy. Yes once in awhile I will have a treat but not every day. Please don't judge us for getting healthy just because you feel like it was somehow too easy for us. And the whole we will gain it back thing cracks me up! Studies show that ANYBODY that is morbidly obese and loses weight has a chance of gaining it back. But now I have this awesome tool so if I can 2 lbs its back to water, protein, veggies, and then healthy carbs. It keeps me on track. Check out its a great message board. Talk to ur doctor. And good luck on whatever u chose. This site is about supporting each other in our journey for a healther lifestyle. Not a site to act like you have all the answers and to judge people for getting healthy in their own way. Do what's right for u!! And feel free to add me if u have any questions.
  • scubagirl319
    scubagirl319 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Alissa,

    I also have the Gastric Sleeve. I will be one year out on Dec 15th and have lost 162 pounds so far. Please don't let the nay sayers get to you. We all have different needs and have to do what is best for us. I have been overweight for 50+ years and decided to have the sleeve. I have lost and gained 100's of pounds in my lifetime. Surgery is not a quick fix. It is a tool to use. If you misuse it, it will not work. I did a lot of research on the various surgeries and decided on the Sleeve because it was less invasive on the body. No problems with malabsorption, no dumping and still gives you the benefit of a weight loss tool. Please feel free to add me or email me with any questions. We all have to choose what will work best for us.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Have you tried increasing your calories? I have the lap band, but I'm actually not using it. I ate at 1200 calories for the first 8 months, then I hit a wall. I work out 6 days a week, burning 500-800 calories or more per session. I finally realized, those workouts were not sustainable and for weight loss on eating only 1200 calories. I've since about 3 months started eating back my exercise calories and after 6 weeks my body finally said, yay, more food and started losing again. I use my BMF to get accurate values of my caloric burns. And with exercise I usually burn 3000 or more calories a day. So I was eating at a deficit of 1800 before an I guess when I was morbidly obese (hate that term) I could lose at that deficit, but since I'm still far but closer to goal I needed more fuel.

    Sadly, I think the surgery just gave me the real kick and motivator to lose weight through diet and exercise. I wish I would have done right without the surgery. As for bypass and the sleeve. While I do know someone who had bypass. I work in the veterinary field, so I have have quite a bit of knowledge on surgeries and stuff (while not human, but a lot of it is similar) the risk of cutting anything and suturing it back together has a real risk of leakage and you getting septic peritonitis from your intestines or stomach leaking. Yeah, I so wasn't willing to put myself in the risk.
  • I say go for it! Band was good for me. I'll be on your side mater what you choose. Can't wait to see Dr. Michaelson on Monday to get the ball rolling.
  • check out There is a forum of all types of weight loss surgeries. Only YOU can decide which is best for you, but I am learning a LOT from it. I decided the gastric sleeve was the best for me and on the 28th of Dec I get to schedule my surgery!! Good luck to you!
  • I would be wary of any further weight loss surgery, especially gastric bypass. My best friend had it done in 2005 and lost nearly 120 lbs. She also lost her hair, her skin tone/color, and her gallbladder. In the years since the surgery, she's had many further medical problems that are directly caused by the surgery. Losing weight so quickly also left her with inches of loose skin. It's a difficult procedure that requires a huge amount of maintenance.