Drinking beer, weekends only.....good? Not good?



  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    obviously some of you guys have a different opinion of what constitutes a lot when it comes to beer :laugh: I just take solace in the fact that I don't drink pina coladas all night :) now those have calories :noway:
  • I don't agree with some of the posts telling you that you HAVE to give up beer or drinking. I love a good beer once in a while, and if your not going to enjoy life while dieting then it's just not worth it. Just log your calories and fit in what you can fit in, also lite beers are best (but I never drink lite beer :blushing: ) I go a bit over on the weekends with drinks sometimes, but I make up for it throughout the week with diet and exercise. I love a good beer, mmhmm
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    obviously some of you guys have a different opinion of what constitutes a lot when it comes to beer :laugh: I just take solace in the fact that I don't drink pina coladas all night :) now those have calories :noway:

    Ahhhhh, the draw of a pina............:laugh: :laugh: When we go on vacation, it's scary how many calories I must've spent on those frozen specialties!
  • obviously some of you guys have a different opinion of what constitutes a lot when it comes to beer :laugh: I just take solace in the fact that I don't drink pina coladas all night :) now those have calories :noway:

    I do agree, if some of you think that 15 a weekend is a lot......whew, you don't even want to know what I drank in college. :noway: (at least 4 TIMES that!)

    That is why I have all this extra weight I to lose:explode: ....thank you Aggieville (college bar district) for making my life an amazing party 3 years ago, but now I dispise you for my body having to know how many calories to intake per day and how much exercise to do in order to evaporate those extra lbs!!:laugh:
  • Ahh..Aggieville! Those were the days for sure!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I would say unfortunately yes, it is the beer. I have had this problem myself... I've found that alcohol really inhibits my weight loss. To me my weight loss and my health have become more important to me than drinking, but I understand the struggle. I sometimes have a glass of Jack and diet coke with my boyfriend in the evening, or a glass of wine, or a beer... but usually that's about all I can have because otherwise I go over my amount of calories. And I've come to realize that I usually don't want just *one* beer, or one liquor drink, I only like it if I can get tipsy. So what's the point... except that I do like one or maybe two glasses of wine when I take a bubble bath or relax with a friend.

    A regular beer has about 150 calories I think. And really they are empty calories... think of how far you could stretch them... a chicken leg, a salad with tuna, a piece of toast with a little cheese... and get other good nutrients and protein etc. For me it has become a matter of priorities and choices. I make sure to count every calorie I drink, and if it's going to put me over for my calories that day, I just don't drink it, period. If I know I'm going out, I'll run extra that day or try to eat a little less (which is hard, because my calorie intake is pretty strict compared to what I'm used to). But honestly, if I want to have two beers, that's 300 calories... I have to run 3 miles ON TOP OF the normal exercise I usually do (about 400 - 500 calories) so that I can eat about 1600 calories instead of my net goal of 1200. I think to myself, are those two beers really worth it? If so, I run, hard! :laugh: If not, I forego the beer, and honestly, I feel healthier and better without it. And that (as well as other lifestyle choices like cake, etc.) has been the only way I've found to lose weight and keep it off.

    I would say that if you drink 15 beers over the weekend, there is definitely room for some cutting... that's about 1500 calories... about half a pound right there! Even if you drink light beer, imagine how many calories you'd save out of your week if you only drank, say, half of that. I'd try cutting down a bit to see what results you get. And really I think you will feel better and realize that that alcohol has other effects, like bloating, increasing your appetite, and as someone mentioned, calories in alcohol really mess with your bodies' ability to naturally process the calories you get from food. So I'd say give it a try and good luck. Then again this is only my opinion and what's worked for me, so I don't want to sound like I'm all anti-beer for everyone.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member

    Aren't you just so good to be able to give up beer like that. I can't and don't want to. So I will watch what I eat and exercise hard to be able to.

    That wasn't the point that I got out of her post, like she's so good she gave up beer and so should the OP. I think the point was that acheiving something we really want takes disclipline and will power and sacrifice. Kerry said that there's a lot of calories in the amount of beer that OP drinks and that she'd have to sacrifice on the nutrition side in order to fit them all in without gaining weight. So really there is no choice but to cut back if she wants to lose weight. It doesn't mean she can't relax and have an occaisonal beer or that everyone who advised her to cut back is so "good." If you watch what you eat to be able to drink beer... that's good too. It just depends on how much beer because if 500 of your calories come from beer in one day, times three days (I am estimating 15 beers from Fri - Sun, 3 beers for each of those days, from OP's post), then that means that even if you watch what you eat to be able to afford those 500 calories, then 500 of your calories for three days each are *not* coming from nutritional sources... they are just empty calories.

    So anyway I don't understand your sarcasm but I think that was the point of kerry's post and it is the point of my post. I was just answering OP's question of whether she should cut back on all the weekend beer if she wants to lose weight... my answer is, I think she would *have* to if she wants to lose weight the right way; the numbers just don't make anything else possible.

    I guess a further question I would have for OP is, instead of spreading out your beer over the week, do you and your boyfriend now just drink about the same amount of beer on the weekend? If so, you aren't really saving any calories from before. If not, good for you for cutting down, and maybe just try to cut down some more to save yourself more empty calories. Again, good luck.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member

    Aren't you just so good to be able to give up beer like that. I can't and don't want to. So I will watch what I eat and exercise hard to be able to.

    That wasn't the point that I got out of her post, like she's so good she gave up beer and so should the OP. I think the point was that acheiving something we really want takes disclipline and will power and sacrifice. Kerry said that there's a lot of calories in the amount of beer that OP drinks and that she'd have to sacrifice on the nutrition side in order to fit them all in without gaining weight. So really there is no choice but to cut back if she wants to lose weight. It doesn't mean she can't relax and have an occaisonal beer or that everyone who advised her to cut back is so "good." If you watch what you eat to be able to drink beer... that's good too. It just depends on how much beer because if 500 of your calories come from beer in one day, times three days (I am estimating 15 beers from Fri - Sun, 3 beers for each of those days, from OP's post), then that means that even if you watch what you eat to be able to afford those 500 calories, then 500 of your calories for three days each are *not* coming from nutritional sources... they are just empty calories.

    So anyway I don't understand your sarcasm but I think that was the point of kerry's post and it is the point of my post. I was just answering OP's question of whether she should cut back on all the weekend beer if she wants to lose weight... my answer is, I think she would *have* to if she wants to lose weight the right way; the numbers just don't make anything else possible.

    I guess a further question I would have for OP is, instead of spreading out your beer over the week, do you and your boyfriend now just drink about the same amount of beer on the weekend? If so, you aren't really saving any calories from before. If not, good for you for cutting down, and maybe just try to cut down some more to save yourself more empty calories. Again, good luck.

    ya I wasn't sure if the poster meant that in a sarcastic way or not. Of course we all have our vices. For some it's beer, for me it's sweets. I could never give up sweets (nor do I want to) but many do and that's their choice. I never said the original poster MUST give up drinking to lose, just that that is the route I took. I did suggest she cut back if weight loss is important to her. For many it's easier to quit completely than to allow yourself just one drink. That's all I said... so... if you were trying to be sarcastic then I don't really get where it came from. And if you weren't then ignore this post. tone is really hard to decipher in text :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    The simple answer is...cut the beer. By asking this question if this is good or bad, you know the answer is bad. Please seek advice and fit it in if you absolutely MUST have it, but MIND over matter is huge in the weight-loss battle. LIVING for Friday nights with a beer? Surely there must be other things you enjoy. Surround yourself with people with similar goals and I think you'll feel like you're not missing out as much when you realize how good you feel when taking care of yourself. You've tasted beer before, and you'll taste it again, but what's more important at this point? Think long-term, and success is closer than you think.

    Also, when considering how your body metabolizes macronutrients, think of this. Alcohol is essentially poison to your body. The liver works extra hard to make sure the body is rid of it first. So, alcohol, carbohydrates, protein, and then fats are metabolized. Beer not only has alcohol, but carbohydrates. So your body is busy burning up these calories on the weekends and doesn't even get to the fat on your body. Definitely slows you down, and takes another day or two to get back to fat-burning mode.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    So i haven't been losing much weight, well, actually i haven't lost any weight in a long time.

    , usually my fiance and I buy a 30 pack (Bud Light) to share for the weekend, and usually there are some left over come Mon.

    So, do you all think I need to cut back some more?? I know this sounds terrible, but I LIVE for Fri. nights when I can have a nice cold one, so I dont' think I can totally give up beer, but should I just stick to one night a weekend? (FYI, I just started working out on the weekends, on top of working out during the week, and even adding the extra exercise, I still haven't lost anything.)

    Could drinking on the weekends be one of my problems of not losing weight????

    Thanks for your time and replies!

    uuhmmmmm....it is really simple....are you including those ..what 15 beers x 150 cals each...uuhmmmm....are you including all those calories? beer is empty cals by the way....this is really a no brainer...come on....you tell me the answer...do you want to lose weight or drink beer? your choice
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I plan ahead if I'm going to be drinking. I don't limit myself to only weekends, but I usually don't really drink all that much at once anymore. once in awhile, but not usually. Anyway, if I don't workout during the day, I don't usually allow myself the luxery of a drink that night.

    But most nights, i am able to have a glass of wine. i do love to drink, but it'll kill you with those calories. I don't think you need to completely limit yourself or cut yourself off from something you love, but I think you should make sure you have calorie space for those drinks.
  • Thanks again everyone for their posts and advice! I really appreciate it.

    I going to try and cut back, because I do want to lose weight, and that takes precidence over beer. But everyone has their vises, mine is I love to have a beer or two (or more) on the weekends. It's just what I like and what i chose to do. I know it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but let me tell you there are a lot of other unhealthy things that I have given up (smoking, for one, which was another love) and I am not mentally or physically prepared or capable of giving up ALL my loves. So the only ones that are left is beer and chocolate (and I barely have any chocolate now a days).

    So, I agree that I need to cut back, and or "prepare" ahead of time if I'm going to be drinking. So that's what I'm going to do. And I'm working out harder than ever so, hopefully I should be seeing some results.

    Thanks again for everyone's support!
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    You can enjoy anything in moderation. I often say I work-out so hard and really watch what I eat so that I can enjoy the finer things like beer & cheese my absolute favorite combo in the world:drinker: :drinker: In moderation of course!
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Hey I love a good beer. I am also a micro-brew and import lover. Not much into domestics. But I have basically cut all alcohol consumption down to one or two drinks a week. The reason is your body processes alcohol first, before fat, protein, or carbs. Thus drinking slows down the burning of fat. This could account for weight gain or flat lining.
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Did you ever get a chance to catch the 2nd season of Biggest Loser when Matt Hoover won?

    He mentioned this very topic on the last 2 episodes.


    He went from 339 lbs to 182 lbs

    losing 157 lbs and -46% of his original weight.

    Good luck and I wish you the very best on your quest for
    true health, healthy weight loss and fitness.

    Take good care.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I completely agree with everything mgullette said. Mind over matter is so important... try to ask yourself, why do you like beer?

    I do understand a good microbrew but if it's a bunch of Bud Lights, I don't understand the point... is it the flavor? The buzz? I find none of either in light commercial beers but *of course* to each her own. If you are questioning whether it's good for your health/ weight loss then I would say, definitely eliminate it if you can and see if you feel better and get the results you want! If you truly LIVE for it and you couldn't ever give it up... maybe that's indicative of something else, kind of like emotional eating?

    But I would think you could get to the point where you don't *need* it or live for it, it can be an occasional indulgence and like a lot of other wise posters have mentioned, if it's truly in moderation, then fine. Anything in moderation, really! I used to have a big sweet tooth like Kerry and now I will occasionally have a piece of birthday cake or a sundae (I love ice cream but it happens to love my hips a bit too much) to celebrate but I know I can't eat cake or sundaes every Friday, Saturday and Sunday or I will gain weight (unless I eat almost nothing else, which isn't healthy.)
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    The other thing to think about is it is not just about getting to your goal weight. It is about being able to maintain it. If you cut back and lose but then start drinking the same amount as you use to drink you will gain again.

    I usually have a glass of wine with dinner or 1 beer with pizza on fridays (yeah! today!) But I work those calories in. Like someone else said it's hard to sacrifice nutrition for the calories you'd have to save to have more than say 3 drinks.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Exactly Keiko! I used to go to happy hour and have like three sugary mixed drinks... margaritas or tropical sunrises or pina colada etc.

    And I wondered why I couldn't lose weight, even when I exercised and tried to eat well.

    Now that I'm more calorie conscious I think, oh my goodness, that was about 1,000 calories right there. At my current goals I could only eat 200 calories that day if I didn't work out! And even if I did work out and burn 500 calories, I could only eat 700 calories to be able to afford that much alcohol.

    I began to realize that it just wasn't worth it. So these are all good things to think about when considering the alcohol question. I think it's the same if we talk about soda, sugary snacks, etc. Eventually it's a question of not being able to get in enough healthy, nutritious calories if we have *too much* of something else.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't agree with some of the posts telling you that you HAVE to give up beer or drinking. I love a good beer once in a while, and if your not going to enjoy life while dieting then it's just not worth it. Just log your calories and fit in what you can fit in, also lite beers are best (but I never drink lite beer :blushing: ) I go a bit over on the weekends with drinks sometimes, but I make up for it throughout the week with diet and exercise. I love a good beer, mmhmm

    Please don't take this the wrong way but I just want to make the comment that you can enjoy life while dieting without drinking. I very much enjoy life and I don't drink. I'm not saying people shouldn't drink, I'm just saying you can enjoy life without drinking. :smile:
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