Jelly in the belly!!!:/

I am 5'4" and 185pnds and most all of my weight is in my stomach!! I have been doing cardio for about an hour 3 days a week and about 100 crunches along with it. I seem to be losing weight everywhere else but where I need to!! Does anyone have any suggestions on diet/ exercise ideas to get the ball rolling?? I am generally eating healthy with the exception of a mishap with some doughnuts the other day but I got right back on track. Please Help!!:)


  • ddeather
    I feel you pain...the first place I lose is my boobs (really don't have any to spare) and the last place I lose is my butt (baby got back).

    Maybe add some strength training and light weights? Lean muscle takes up less room than fat so you will look slimmer plus muscle burns more calories:)