Do you lie to cut off the comments?



  • altweimann
    altweimann Posts: 13 Member
    alderaic, thank you for posting this question.
    I have just reached that cross road of this type of attention happening to me. Comments I hear are :If you keep going you are going to waste away to nothing. My ears can't believe what they are hearing, I' am not anywhere near to being too thin. I am 5 pounds from being considered overweight on the chart for my height. I guess I thought by the time I got to my ideal weight the people around me might be inspired instead the jealousy is there and wanting me to fail is so strong when they interact with me.
    I liked what brettkeogh said: This is all about purification. And not just food. We're putting out old, bad habits, old, bad choices, and old, bad influences. Just purify your journey.

    I think this is what I must do to continue my journey without them in it. .
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    when people who didn't know me as heavy meet me, they don't mention anything about my weight. i assume i look normal to them.

    however, those who knew me when i was heavy sometimes make comments. i tell them the truth : that i am in the 22 BMI range, and that my weight matches what the metlife tables recommended in the mid-20th century.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'm sometimes a bit put off when someone warns me not to get too thin. I'm very close to my goal. I usually just say I'm trying to be healthy and lean up and I try not to worry too much after that. It's not their business and I know I'm gonna rock it when that six pack shows up!
  • mylifex2
    Oh, how I can identify with a lot of the comments here. I absolutely HATE it when people comment on my weight loss...did I look so bad before???? I don't think it is appropriate to ask someone how much weight they have lost...I also hate when people ask me how i did it....I know they mean well, but I have struggled with eating disorders and am currently having a hard time eating as much as i I just want to say to them...this is how you do starve yourself LOL....that would probably shut them up...but keep them talking to each other, I suppose :(
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I just look at them like they're crazy and they never mention it again.
  • traceymonroe
    traceymonroe Posts: 15 Member
    I have been having this problem for quite sometime...being only about 15-20 lbs overweight to begin with people couldn't understand why I was even watching my weight. I had a friend just last night tell me that I looked too thin & that I didn't need to loose anymore weight! I am just a little over 61" tall & weight 123#, BMI is 23ish. I am in no means underweight, but for some strange reason some of my friends & a few people I work with are treating me as though I have anorexia. I'm a nutitionist who just wants to live by the example of eating & appearing healthy. For every negative thought I have had some positive reactions to this...a few of my friends & co-workers have jumped on the bandwagon to eat healthier, get fit & loose weight. Hang in there...people can be so jealous. Misery loves company.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    There will always be people who comment without thinking sometimes to be mean, sometimes not. Either way we are not responsible for their behavior but our own. Follow your own path and if they cannot join you in being happy and content then leave them in their misery and move on:flowerforyou:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    There will always be people who comment without thinking sometimes to be mean, sometimes not. Either way we are not responsible for their behavior but our own. Follow your own path and if they cannot join you in being happy and content then leave them in their misery and move on:flowerforyou:


    Very well said.
  • I like what you have said and I agree if people are so ignorant to another person there is no reason to engage in the negativity when the positive energy is so much more beneficial :) GOOD ANSWER!!! :):glasses:
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    I just flat out ignore them
  • amymaria91
    I don't lie because I am proud of the 24 pounds I have lost so far. When people ask I tell them the truth that I have another 3.5 stone to lose until I reach my first goal, once I get there I'll probably want to lose more but shall just see how I feel. They seem to be pretty happy with that answer.

    As expected I have a lot of people that tell me what I should and shouldn't be eating, mainly my boss. I always say to her 'I have .... calories left, .... fat, .... carbs etc, shall we look and see how many calories are in your lunch?' Most of the time it shuts her up, if it doesn't I just sit and stare at my computer screen, completely ignoring her as she goes on at me and she finally gets the message
  • thibautseeker
    thibautseeker Posts: 69 Member
    My friend at work has been the worse - we often have cake things going on at work, cake sales for this or that charity, free cakes in the staff room to encourage people to use it more, birthdays (people bring cakes in), and when I've said (genuiningly) that I'm not bothered and not having any she always rolls out the same comment - 'a little of what you fancy does you good', (I do have little treats, for a start I have a double choca mocha nearly every day and I have between 4 and 6 handmade luxury chocolates every weekend so I'm not depriving myself totally of things I love just not having so much), I can't seem to get through to her that her idea of a little actually mounts up to a heck of a lot every day!

    We had 2 years of 3 people in our office going to Weightwatchers talking points, food and can't eat that, to the extreme where they would hardly eat all day and wouldn't drink after lunchtime on the day they went to their 'class' to get weighed. It was so rididiculous that I didn't tell anyone when I decided I needed to lose weight I just got on with it quietly without fuss.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I save my lies for the important stuff.

    Should they say anything, I tell them that the folks (DH and self) who've seen me naked are pleased with where I am and where I am headed. Then, I tell them that it's the only way to qualify to have an opinion. *pretends to unbutton*

    Here is where they walk away and never mention it again.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I really don't see the need to lie.

    In response to being told for the umpteenth time "Oh go on, just one drink won't hurt" at a Christmas lunch the other day, I finally decided I'd been pestered enough, smiled and replied "You don't get to keep a figure like mine by having a three course meal AND drinking at lunchtime"

    Harsh perhaps, but a truth that so many women on "diets" and who wonder why they're not losing weight need to hear.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    There are alot of people with good intentions who genuinely will pay you a compliment.......but then there are the JEALOUS, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE "frenimies" who give the snide remarks like that you mention.............

    Ignore them, and realize if they have nothing upbuilding to say, they have the problem.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    I'm kinda jealous. Haven't had the pleasure of ignoring a 'hater' yet.