Omg, Candy Addiction out of control.



  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Cold turkey (just about, unless you count the Starlight mints I allowed myself to have one a day of). It took 4 days of headaches and misery, but every day I didn't eat these things, I felt stronger and more awesome. I stayed off of sugar for a few months. When I returned to it, I found I had better control over how much I ate. You can do it. It sucks, but you'll live.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I like to think of it this way, by eating that piece of candy you'll get a short term satisfaction from it, but tomorrow or a week from then you'll regret that choice and would felt better and been healthier in the long run if you didnt eat it, idk if that makes any sense but thats what I think about when faced with a temptation lol

    ^THIS. :)
  • jessashcher
    I buy sugar free candy, and you know what, it tastes just as good and relieves my cravings.
  • SLWesterfield
    Sugar Free can work for the chocolate craving as that is an addition to the sugar. Sugar is very addictive and I do not think you ever totally lose it. Closest thing I can have to what a drug addict goes through. Naturally sweet things like watermelon, strawberries, and apples. Then the next thing I do is drink green tea. Green will help cleanse the body of the sugar within it.

    if you choose the cold turkey method I highly recommend doing that on your time off as the headache is a killer.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    If I am craving something, then I allow myself to have it. As long as it fits into my cals for the day, and I make sure to measure out a serving.
    It's all about choices and learning to eat things in moderation.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    I crave a lot so I bought gum =) Yehey lol it's sweet and I think just 5 calories? Unless I'm mistaken I never checked it =O
    Gum is the answer
  • chrisdaddino
    hi, why do you feel you are craving these treats? i want to help you
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Two things -

    If you feel you absolutely have to have it, then make it work. I am a *kitten* for ice cream. It is the love and bane of my food life. So, since I know I would go bat-**** crazy without it, I have a serving of ice cream every day. Let me repeat that: EVERY DAY. 1/2 cup. If I get the Breyer's Blasts or Edy's slow-churned, it's only 120-140 calories, which I can easily make fit.

    If you don't want to have it, the other thing, which helps me immensely when I want to swerve off my planned amount of calories, think of whatever it is you're going to eat in terms of exercise. How many minutes letting Jillian/Bob Harper/P90X-guy yell at you or how many miles of pavement will that cost you? It puts things in perspective (example, when the media went nutso about Michelle Obama's 1500 calorie cheeseburger - that's almost 2 hours of running for me. Yikes.)
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    If you're going to treat yourself, make sure it stays in your calorie limit! That's what I do :) If you're looking to satisfy a sugar craving, try eating fruits, nuts, or dark chocolate instead, or chew some gum.
  • beefball85
    I've found that simply not buying that stuff has really helped eliminate a lot of my cravings. Keeping fruits on hand at my house has been a big part of it too. For those days when fruit does not suffice, try sugar free pudding or jello (you can freeze it if you are craving ice cream) is really good. Depending on what area of the country you live in, there is something called Arctic Zero that has a very close consistency to ice cream, but is made from whey protein and is only 150 calories a PINT (37 per 1/2 cup serving).

    It won't kill you to have a sweet every now and again, just make sure you keep it into consideration for you daily calories, and try to balance it out with really nutritious meals. Good luck!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Some people can do moderation. If you can that it great, but if you can't give it up all together. Suffer through the withdrawal and eventually it won't be so painful. I haven't eaten any sugar or white flour in ...40 days? Now I really look forward to my nightly frozen blueberries mixed with full fat yogurt. I enter it in early so that I exercise enough so i can have it. If I even eat a small amount of refined sugar I am messed up for days. For me it isn't worth the discomfort of trying to do it in moderation. Good luck! I'm sure you will figure out what works for you!
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    You can eat ALL THE CANDY YOU WANT..... provided that before you eat it, you work out and burn the exact number of calories you will be eating in candy. NOT AFTER, BEFORE. This is in addition to your regular workout.