Work Shifts Get hungry around midnight

I work shifts, and although I don't work nights anymore I do work until the early hours of the morning. Around midnight I start to get really hungry. I have avoided the very strong temptation to eat anything at midnight, mainly because I have just two hours to go and the only food at that time of night in my work place is vending machines or the local pizza takeaway, I just drink loads of cups of tea instead. I obviously don't want to eat too much at that time of night because I will be home and in bed by 0330hrs. What do people suggest to help keep the hunger pangs away?



  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I work over night from 10pm to 6am. Around 4 I am usually wanting a snack. I always pack extra snacks with me when I go to work . Try to bring things with you like fruit or low calorie snacks. 100 calorie popcorn or something. Usually I have yogurt or fruit. Occassionally I will have the 100 calorie popcorn or the 100 calorie cookies. The best part about the little snacks is you can keep them in your desk or purse and just grab em and be guilt free. Also a lot of times people mistake being thirsty for hunger. Try to drink a big glass of water and wait for 10 minutes. If that doesn't cure your munchies then grab a low cal snack :)