More calories allowed with activity- Really??



  • LittleElephant
    LittleElephant Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks! This has really helped me get my head around the issue.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I think that if you're a healthy size and are active, you can have a treat once in a while.

    Last Sunday, I ate a single serve size Devi's Food cake and enjoyed every bite. I had just done Spinning and Boot camp at the gym. My son thought I was insane but I don't care. Even when he FB'd the pictrures. I enjoyed it and I haven't had one in forever, maybe longer.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Would you put less gas and oil in your car than it needed to take that trip? Why would you take a 500 calorie built in deficite and add another 500 calories to make it a 1000 calorie deficite for the day? So the body needs calories when it needs them or it burns up something. It would rather eat up your muscles than let go of it's very survival oriented fat stored up for the famine. Don't run your body in famine mode. It will try it's best to survive. You won't have the body you wanted. You won't build muscle--which boosts your metabolism and gives you sexy curves and holds up your skin.You need fuel and steady fuel to build and maintain. The body likes to survive and maintain as much ability to survive. There is "save yourself mode" and "it's okay to build up muscle because there is food available time". You want to lose the fat and shape up. Eating "enough" max of 500 less than you need to maintain your girth, will let you shape up and still give you fuel. Otherwise why eat at all. Just starve yourself thin. That won't give you any life skills and the body you wanted. Unless you like the sack of bones and hanging skin body.

    Think of a starving animal. It's not running around playing and doing it's business or feeding it's young (it can barely maintain it's self, it's not doing extras with its resources). It's sitting around trying to hold on to it's energy. Moving, using precious resources, threatens it's survival. Feed it good, and it's moving around being a productive little gomer.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Would you put less gas and oil in your car than it needed to take that trip?

    Depends if it already had some gas in it. Like, oooh, i don't know, some kind of stored fuel.

    Our bodies have lots of stored fuel. It's called fat.

    Everyone reacts differently to this. It's one of those things where people have had greats success eating none/some/all of their calories back. Try each way and see what works best for you.

    It can also be a source of motivation. Some people hate exercising, but do it purely so they get to eat more and make the whole journey more bearable.

    Remember, the faster you lose, the higher the chance of loose skin at the end. That's the thing that really made me stop wanting to lose the weight faster. Would you rather lose 100lbs in 6 months, and then in 18 months times you've still lost that 100lbs, but have lots of loose skin, or lose 100lbs in 2 years, but have no loose skin?
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Number one reason I eat more: I lose weight faster if I eat enough. If I don't eat enough it stalls my weight loss.
    Would you put less gas and oil in your car than it needed to take that trip?

    Depends if it already had some gas in it. Like, oooh, i don't know, some kind of stored fuel.

    Our bodies have lots of stored fuel. It's called fat.

    Everyone reacts differently to this. It's one of those things where people have had greats success eating none/some/all of their calories back. Try each way and see what works best for you.

    It can also be a source of motivation. Some people hate exercising, but do it purely so they get to eat more and make the whole journey more bearable.

    Remember, the faster you lose, the higher the chance of loose skin at the end. That's the thing that really made me stop wanting to lose the weight faster. Would you rather lose 100lbs in 6 months, and then in 18 months times you've still lost that 100lbs, but have lots of loose skin, or lose 100lbs in 2 years, but have no loose skin?