So the whole exercise calorie thing ...



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    After talking to my psycho trainer

    careful taking advice from psychos :laugh:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    just to throw my 2 pence in, i think there is a difference between a person who burns 250 cals 3 times a week not eating their cals back, and someone who burns 1000 EVERY day. a lot people people drastically under eat because they dont eat back the thousands of calories that they burn...

    I workout everyday! Burn about 700-800 calories a day. The one week I tried eating back those calories, I gained! My body is not designed for eating them back ... some people are designed that way. This was my point! We're all different and no one thing will work for everyone!

    1 week is NOT long enough to have tried it for!!!!!!!

    Exactly what I said in my post.. But of course she didn't read it and only said No, I did gain when I ate them.

    Let her think what she wants.. and when she plateaus, she'll see the light.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    If you're goal is to lose weight fast don't eat em... but if you want to lose weight healthily and keep it off longer it's better to eat them because you'll be building up muscle with them that'll help increase your metabolism/improve lifestyle. I ate most of my calories and still lost like 23 lbs but I've come to the point where it's coming off slowly now (been stuck at 157 for almost 1.5 weeks), mostly because I've cut a lot of the fat and am building my muscles with all the running... I tried NOT eating most of my calories, and I find it's not really working at all... whether or not I do doesn't seem to affect the scale but it does negatively affect my running... which is bad for what I am trying to do (run a marathon) and which can lead me to quit running.