How do you say NO to the food at parties?



  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member

    that looks delicious!
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    We just had our family Xmas celebration yesterday - I ate a little of everything that I wanted to eat - indulged a little more in the things I knew were 'healthier' options. I went over on my calories for the day, and I didn't exercise (well... apart from the awesome post-nap sesh with the boy that I don't count) but it was one day. One day out of 365 that I didn't do so well. I'm averaging 3 or 4 'didn't do so well' days a month, and I figure I can't undo 12 months of hard work in one day. Just keep those days to a minimum and you WILL get there. It might take you a little longer, but you'll get there.

    This battle we are waging isn't going to stop when we get to our goal weight. We are still going to have to think about what we eat EVERY SINGLE DAY for the rest of our lives. So enjoy yourself in the little precious time we spend with our families. Have a good day - think about what you're eating, but don't alienate yourself because of it.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Just say "No Thank you"
    Or eat in moderation, etc.

    I made it through 2 parties in one day yesterday, AND had a terrible breakfast. Sodium was through the roof, but I still hit my macros.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I eat before I go and make sure it is high in protien then I either bring a protien shake or bar with me to snack on and I find that it really works.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I don't say no, I just eat in moderation.

    The average weight gained in the holidays is only 1 pound. Its not as bad as people think.

    Oh and if you are hosting the party-- send ALL leftovers (besides the healthy stuff! if there is any ;) ) with other people!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member

    that looks delicious!

    No It doesn't! Lol
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member

    that looks delicious!

    No It doesn't! Lol

    lol clearly i wouldn't be able to say no!
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    How about remembering that if you take a bite it's not going to kill you and remember that part of life is enjoying it, not just beating yourself up over every calorie.

    Take a small portion (half a brownie, one cookie, two crackers and some dip) and go start a conversation. Fill the rest of the plate up with stuff from the veggie tray. You will be talking, take a small bite, lather, rinse repeat .. you will find that you give your tummy time to register that you have had enough and you can relax and enjoy the party.

    You don't want to remember what you ate at a party, you want to remember the time you spent with people you love. This is why we have holidays.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How do I say no? I don't. Plain and simple. I know that parties don't happen every day, even every week, and know that it would be impossible for me to do any kind of irreparable damage to my health and progress.

    To gain one pound, I'd have to eat 3500 calories over my maintenance calories, which is close to 2000 calories providing I'm moderately active that day. So that's 5500 calories I'd need to eat to gain a pound. In one evening. I'm not saying I couldn't do it, but that's about 11 slices of pecan pie, or 112 chocolate chip cookies, or 27 frozen daiquiris. That's a lot of eating. And that's just one pound, which I could easily take off again in two weeks by having a 250 calorie deficit.

    So the likelihood of me gaining any actual weight more than one pound is pretty slim. The logical side of me knows that. The logical side just needs to remind me of that the next day when my weight is up 7 pounds from having entirely too much sodium and libations. The illogical side might flip out and think "we f'ed up!!!!" and decide that as long as we blew it, we might as well continue to blow it by eating every single thing in the pantry, fridge and freezer. The logical side has to tell the illogical side to STFU.

    Brownies, cookies, chocolates, wine and eggnog? Yes please!
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    My mantra: "for a moment in my lips for ever in my hips." Knowing how much the extra lbs love my hips, and how much I will have to exercise to stop that "relationship," keeps me away from temptations.

    hahhaha loved your comment.

    my answer, I workout harder the days before and after the party, and make sure to eat a little less the day before. At the party I control my portions.
  • Pick your favourite -- calculate the calories mentally (or look em up!) I used to do the same -- graze constantly -- now I activiely think: "is this worth 100 calories (or 500 or whatever)" and if it totally is, then eat it and really enjoy it. If not, hold out for the good stuff...

    That is exactly what I do! I look at the food and think, how long will I have to work out in order to burn all this off? Am I really feeling that energetic? Lol. That is how I got through this Thanksgiving, I was so proud that I didn't eat even one piece of Pumpkin pie!!!! Instead of being over stuffed after the meal, I felt good. : )
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    This probably sounds stupid but if I wear a really tight dress to a party that usually keeps me in check. Nothing like a tiny cocktail dress to keep you from craving cake!
  • I_get_fit
    I_get_fit Posts: 145 Member
    My best advice is to eat light and healthy before the party... then guesstimate the calories you eat while there. Even though you won't have exact amounts and measurements of the food you ate, it would keep the amount of food consumed in check, Just a thought :)
  • khethil
    khethil Posts: 7 Member
    I just drink a lot... probably not the best solution, but hey... :)
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    best thing to do is stay sober
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    anticipate and burn! Give yourself a calorie budget, drink your water, and schedule in a great big "pre-emptive workout" to deal with the extras. For me today is was this incredible soft cheese....nyam! But I'll hit my calorie goal for the day with a serious workout tonight. Actually, in the next hour or so. And I traded with myself - cheese meant no birthday cake - and I was okay with that.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I think the key is the think of the treats you want the most I mean would put a linebacker to shame how you would tackle someone if it was the last piece and someone was going to take it! Like I can pass on lemon meringue pie but sweet potato heck no I want a piece!!!!! So plan by going with what you really want and very what you eat at dinner. Pass on the dinner roll if want dessert and eat more veggies and protein.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I don't- I just eat less...what I did at Thanksgiving was bring a veggie tray and I filled up on that. By the time the marinated cheese and smoked fish dip came around, I ate a tiny portion of each and was totally satisfied.
  • I eat lightly the day of the party, then when I am there I look at the whole spread and decide, what are my favorites that are here and i don't usually have at home, then I have small portions of the best stuff without any guilty feeling, after all these changes are for life so we better learn how to live. I feel satisfied and not deprived.
  • This is what they always said at the gym, nothing tastes better than fit feels :)