Bad Weekend Diets?

I generally have a good week with my meals.
I excercise on weekdays, swim and workout.

Then when it comes down to the weekends, I get all lazy, and there are just parties, and functions I have to go to.
Like, today I had to go to a family union/potluck. I tried to eat the healthy stuff, but when the ice cream cake was there, I just indulged.

and now I'm about 1000 calories over my goal intake.

Even though it says: "if everyday was like this, you'd weight (insert my current weight + 3lbs)"


  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Drink lots of water and do a quick cardio session and leave it to be a cheat day and don't worry just remember a cheat day is only one day. I let myself indulge one day a week which makes your body work harder to burn that days calories but the rest of the week I am very strict.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    UUUUGGGGG! Weekends are so HARD!! I completely understand. This is what I have been doing. I changed my mindset. I decided that it is so much easier to workout on the weekends than it is during the week, because I do not have the pressure of hurrying up and getting ready to go to work. I can work out longer, stretch longer, cool down longer, shower longer. Once I changed my view on working out on the weekends I started doing better with my food. I think that once I work out I am more conscience about what I eat. Don't get me wrong, I still drink, eat and be merry with all my friends, family etc, but I am just more conscience and careful about it. Try it. GOOD LUCK.
  • CharityPearce
    It is really hard to be good when everyone around you seems to be indulging. First of all, if you're indulging occasionally, then don't feel bad. It's ok to have a splurge day every now and then. If it's getting to be too often, here are some tips that I try to follow when I know I'm going to be around a lot of temptation. First of all, I try to keep a zero-cal beverage in my hands at all times. Harder to pick up that cake and ice cream with your hands full. : ) Second, if I think I'm going to have a really hard time resisting, I'll take along my own healthy snack (that will seem like an indulgence to me, but is a lot healthier than the temptation), maybe raspberries (they're relatively expensive, so I don't indulge very often - it's a treat, and it's extremely healthy). Lastly, I try to think of the consequences of everything I eat all the time. In other words... "is this going to make me soo frustrated that I won't want to stay on my diet?" or "do I really want to exercise enough to work this off?" or "I'm going to have to starve myself all day tomorrow to balance this out." So, that's what I try to do...good luck! It's definitely hard to stick with it on the weekends. :smile:
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I am exactly the same way. I just got done crying to all my mfp friends about it.....It was fine when I was on 1200 cal a day. But now that I'm on maintenance, I know it will cause me to gain. Blah...