MFP predictions?



  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    I'm pretty sure she understands the concept but was just curious if people found it to be what actually happens for them.
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    As it turns out, exactly 5 weeks ago today was when I started MFP. So I went to go look.

    On that day I weighed 179 and it told me "in 5 weeks, I would weigh 183". Well, today I weigh 165. The 5 week estimate stinks :)

    Well done!

    V, :wink:
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Going back and looking (cause I save what it 'predicts' in the food note area for *kitten*$ and giggles) ... I've always weighed less 5 wks later than it has predicted I would. =D
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Each day when I complete my food diary, I type the prediction in the notes box. I will randomly choose a week, and average out the predictions for the week. Five weeks ago, my average for the week was 186.4... That just so happened to be what I weighed yesterday. I randomly choose a week to average, and then will skip ahead 5 weeks and put it in the notes. Then, 5 weeks down the road, it will randomly (seemingly) pop up to say "5 weeks ago, your average prediction was...". It is not always as close as this week, but it is usually correct within about 3 pounds or so. I think this shows that on average, I am eating and burning consistently.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    When I was losing weight steadily (now I'm maintaining or trying to!) I found it pretty accurate.
    But, I think that is because I usually stuck pretty close to my net calorie goal and didn't have a huge calorie deficit so it was a realistic goal.
    If you are way under or over your calorie goal one day, then it's pretty unlikely that you'll be at the weight that is predicted.
    It's just simple maths.