"Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat" by Michelle May - has


Has anyone read this?

My nutritionist offered it to me months ago to read, and I never did. I have an appointment with her this month and am considering reading it before then.

I remember attempting to reading it, and reading something about the author that really turned me off from the book. It was talking about her personal weight problems and fluctuations, and how in college she wasn't overweight (or didn't gain, or something) because she didn't have time to eat.

Personally, cannot relate at all. I do the opposite and sacrifice studying time to eat.

I'm just wondering if anyone has read it and what they thought of it, if it's worth reading, if only some parts are, etc.

Also, if I get a good response about this, and anyone wants to do a book club type thing and read it together, I am down!

Thanks for any responses.