Is 30 day shred bad for the back?

Today is day 5 of my 30 day shred and i feel a slight pain on the left of my lower back.
I did some Yoga after the shred today. I have a 14month old daughter.
Any new mommas here with 30DS experience?
Am i doing any thing wrong? Is 30DS bad for the back specially if you are a new momma?
Please help


  • stephy244
    stephy244 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't know if it's the same situation as yours but back in June when I was doing 30 Day Shred after starting level 2 I started to have this pain in my back which then led to a severe pain running down my leg :(. Turns out that I had a severe rupture in my lower lumbar region (I don't believe that 30DS cause it, more aggitated if anything). I think that if I hadn't done the program I would have never caught that rupture and it could have gotten a lot more worse than it had (it got to the point where my foot was dropping indicating nerve damage). If the pain does continue and travels else where I would highly recommend getting it checked out (btw I too am also a mom :D my son was only 10 months old at the time).
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you. Now i am having second thoughts on continuing the workout.
    But its a very slight pain or can i say tension. Could it just be the muscle getting worked out?
    Would you recommend me to go ahead and continue?
  • bsavithri
    bsavithri Posts: 8 Member
    Why dont u quicky check with your doctor if its ok to start circuit training? And are u still nursing your baby? May be u r over worked?
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I think you should check with your doc on this.. Also, I hope you were trying the beginner's version of the dvd..
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    I am no more nursing savithri. I weaned her when she was 10 months old.
    I am surely not overworked :) I do not know if my doc knows about it. But i will have to figure out the right person to ask :)
    Thank you :)
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Renu, Yes i am following the beginner version.
    I will continue to do it for 1-2 days and see how my body reacts.
    I will talk to a doc on this
    Thanks. :)
  • Maidei
    Maidei Posts: 114 Member
    I'm not a mom but I did experience some back pain when doing level 1 of the shred. It was on my right side though. I just did some extra stretches twice a day an hr after the shred and in the morning when I woke up (I shred in the early evening). And it went away after a day or two. I was worried too cause the pain didn't feel like the usual soreness but it went away so I guess it really was just a sore muscle. So maybe ur body just isn't used to working out those particular muscles and is adjusting or something like that.
    But I would agree with everyone else that you should get it checked out if it persists. Better safe than sorry. Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • sandadhya
    sandadhya Posts: 43 Member
    Could be true as well. I will give it a day or two and try to do some stretches.
    I do not want to stop the workout as i am liking it and i also dreaming of the results i am gonna see at the end of it.
    But yes not without an injury.
    Thank you so much for replying :)
  • xoxMandyxox
    xoxMandyxox Posts: 104 Member
    I started 30DS 6 weeks after having my son and I somehow ****ed up my upper back on the left side there. Right in the shoulder blade :sad: I kept going until day 14 (November 14th), and it still hurts :-\