How to lose weight on 30 day shred?

This is my second time around doing 30day shred. I love it i think ill do it for two months. Anyway the thing is that I can't lose the weight. The inches are coming off but the number goes from 143-146-148....:(

How did you guys lose weight with 30 day shred?


  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I rarely get on the scale because I become obsessed. I focus on the inches lost and the way my clothes feel and the way my body looks.
    I am on day 12 of the shred and that is how I have to view my results.
  • conniie
    conniie Posts: 119
    I rarely get on the scale because I become obsessed. I focus on the inches lost and the way my clothes feel and the way my body looks.
    I am on day 12 of the shred and that is how I have to view my results.
    I get like that way too. But what's the point of saying it can help you lose up to 20 pounds when it's not coming off?
  • conniie
    conniie Posts: 119
  • Hannah0614
    I want to do this 30 day shred but 1) i dont what it is and 2) how it works 3) what u have to do 4) and if where u get it from?
    Please can u help?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The Shred focuses on working your muscles to help you lose inches, it does not burn a huge number of calories (estimates I've seen range from 150-275 per session depending on the individual person). Weightloss is all about creating a calorie deficit. The Shred is awesome for reshaping your body and yes it does burn calories, but it doesn't burn a huge amount to make you lose weight very fast. If your looking to drop actual scale weight faster, you have to look at your calorie intake and use that to create a larger calorie deficit by taking in fewer calories. If you burn around 200 calories doing the Shred each day (average estimation, varies from person to person) and want to lose 1 lb per week, then you have to create an additional 300 calorie deficit by taking in 300 calories less than your maintenance requirements. (200 burned from the Shred plus 300 less from food = 500 daily deficit = 3500 weekly deficit = 1 lb per week). But honestly, don't obsess over the scale while doing the Shred, especially if it is significantly more intense than what you were doing before. If it has really upped your exercise intensity, your muscles may hold onto water which makes the scale read higher b/c of water weight. I find that when I take a day of rest from working out, the day after the rest the scale goes down significantly. Then I pick right back up exercising again and the scale is up a bit the day after exercise. Don't let it freak you out if you know you're doing everything right. Focus mainly on the inches lost b/c that is where the really noticeable results come from (and what's more important, seeing a number on the scale go down, or fitting into smaller close and looking better in them?).

  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I want to do this 30 day shred but 1) i dont what it is and 2) how it works 3) what u have to do 4) and if where u get it from?
    Please can u help?

    1) It's a workout DVD made by Jillian Michaels (spelling?) - she's the woman trainer that was n the biggest loser for years (not this year though).

    2) it's a 20 minute workout (more like 27 minutes if you include warm up and cool down stretches) where you alternate between strength training, cardio, and ab exercises - 3 cycles/circuits of alternating, plus the stretches in the beginning and end. It's designed to work your muscles but also fit in sme cardio in a fairly short period of time. The idea is that you are trying I burn some calories but also condition your muscles to help you lose fat and inches off your body. It's designed such that there are 3 levels, you start with level one and do it until you're ready to move on to level 2, then level 3. The basic idea is that people would spend 10 days on each level, thus making it a 30 day workout, but some people spend more or less time on various levels depending on their fitness level and how comfortable they are with moving on to more intense exercises.

    3). All you have to do is buy the DVD (normally under $10) and a set or two of hand weights (they use 3 lb weights in the video but some people start out with smaller or larger ones depending on the person) and then do the workout when you're able.

    4) Walmart and Target both sell it in the exercise section, it can also be found in other stores as well as online at retailers like

    There are a million workouts out there, this is just one, it just happens to be popular at the moment.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    The instructors are actually using 5lb weights.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The instructors are actually using 5lb weights.

    Their weights look exactly like my 3 lb weights? My 5 lb weights are noticeably larger than theirs.