Need motivation

I'm new to myfitnesspal...this seems really interesting...I'm trying to find the motivation that I once had. I went from 240lbs down to 182. I cannot seem to get passed those 180's and I have just lost all motivation...bad habits are creeping back into the mix and I have worked out maybe 3 times in the last month or so...I have no idea what to do to get goal is 160lbs how in the world am I gonna do that?????


  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome!!! You have come to the right place!! We are all in the same boat as you!! We are all here to motivate each other!! Have a look around, request some friends and start enjoying!!! Best of luck!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

  • jacquiomy
    jacquiomy Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I know exactly how you feel. I get into a rut where I dont move at all. What helps me get some motivation is to try something on that doesnt fit yet, so i end up getting frustrated and that puts me back on track. Look at some photos of models or celebrities that you like. Start of slow by making one change to your day and build from that :) Hope this helps