20 days until New Years-will I reach my goal?

It's only 20 days until New Years and I'm concerned about reaching my first major weight loss goal.
My starting weight on October 7th was 209 lbs.
Last week I had finally reached my under 200 lbs milestone at 199.4 lbs. However, after a fun weekend with friends, family, and good food, I enjoyed myself a little too much (I still tracked everything I ate) and I gained back a pound. I'm currently weighing in at 200.5 lbs.
My goal for New Years is to be 195 lbs--I've had this goal set from the beginning of my journey and after some steady success, I was confident that I could get down to that weight.
Today, I realized I only have 20 days left until New Years but still have 5.5 lbs to lose in order to reach my goal. This worries me.
That's less than 3 weeks to lose five and a half pounds-->at least 1.8 pounds per week.
My current goals are set to lose 1 pound per week, so obviously I'll have to make some changes.
I realize this weight loss is POSSIBLE since people lose two pounds per week often, however, my body doesn't do so well with this much weight loss at once. I've found that aiming for two pounds of weight loss per week just doesn't happen for me (even when I follow my nutritional goals). I decided reducing my weight loss goal to one pound per week would be more effective, less stressful, and more reasonable for me.
SO, to get to the point of this entire post, I was wondering if anyone had any tips to shedding about 5 pounds in less than 3 weeks. Is there something I can do to ensure an awesome boost in weight loss to reach my first major weight loss goal by New Years? Obviously I can cut down my calories and exercise like a super woman, but I'm looking for tips or tricks that people have found to encourage quick but still healthy weight loss.
Thanks in advance for any help! I really want to reach this goal but I'm not sure if eating a little less and exercising more will have the immediate results that I'm looking for! :wink: