Sad Blogs

I am not sure if anyone else has come across the sadness of diet/health/fitness Blogs. I know it’s a huge world of people out there blogging, but I do not have to click twice to find a young lady (sometimes a guy) who is battling an eating disorder. What is even more tragic to me is that they seem to be under the illusion that they have turned 'healthy' because they post all these pictures of skinny models and plates full of fruit. Maybe it is the sheer massive amount of these blogs out there that make it seem so desperate.
I see Blog names that scream out 'I want to be Skinny!'
Skinny? Really? I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but in this day and age of health consciousness, I just don't understand how so many can say this is their goal. How far can you run, how much weight can you lift, how far can you stretch, how real and balanced and nutrient filled is your food, how much sleep do you get, etc.?
I do care how I look and I care how I feel, so I try to eat and exercise for my health. I sort of want to hug a bunch of these poor bloggers as they seem obsessed with being thin. And honestly, most bloggers profiles that I've seen are beautiful young woman who probably have so much more to offer than sharing pictures of lingerie models.


  • wildcata77
    I refer to my weight loss blog as "an uber-honest journey" of making myself a better me!

    I post both the good, bad, and ugly. No Size 0 motivational pictures can be found! And like you, I feel sad when I see womeon obsessed with being thin, rather than being healthy.

    If you are interested in following someone with a "real" weight loss blog, feel free to check me out.