MF limits

Do you have to stay below ALL the goals?? I just started using the calorie limits but am going way over on vitamins, sugars, and calcium... Is that ok? I'm mostly focused on calories and carbs...

FYI: I want to lose another 50 lbs or 60 for spring... My diary is open and I just began this calorie thing Saturday.... Any suggestions are appreciated!


  • I dont see anything wrong with going over in vitamins and calcium...but sugars may be a problem if you do it everyday. I think you're right though all that REALLY matters is carbs and calories.
  • Yup calories are what matters. Try to hit your protein and fat goal daily
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I try to stay 'close' to my calorie goal (some days a little under and some days a little over), I intentionally shoot way over my protein (I see it as an *absolute* minimum rather than a limit) and I'm always over on Fiber and Calcium. I try to get as close to my Fat goal as I can but some days I'm too low. I don't really pay attention to anything else that much. LOL
  • I looked at your diary and I don't think you have anything to worry about! Your sugars are probably mostly coming from fruits and veggies and those are good sugars. Only worry about processed sugars, which you probably don't have very much of.
  • I don't worry about processed sugars either. Nothing wrong with occasional ice cream or treat.
    My 25 calorie sweet and sour sauce has processed sugars.

    Sugar is sugar
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I only watch calorie, carbs, fat and protein.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I try to stay 'close' to my calorie goal (some days a little under and some days a little over), I intentionally shoot way over my protein (I see it as an *absolute* minimum rather than a limit) and I'm always over on Fiber and Calcium. I try to get as close to my Fat goal as I can but some days I'm too low. I don't really pay attention to anything else that much. LOL

    This is right on. I like to stay low on fat but the sugar levels here are way low--it doesn't calculate what is natural and what is added sugar.
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    In my opinion- calories in, calories out.

    Not that every calorie is the same but if you want to lose weight-burn more calories than you eat. Period.

    If you want to be HEALTHY and make a LIFESTYLE CHANGE-start watching the rest of the numbers as well. The healthier you eat the better those numbers will be-naturally! That and I found that I could eat more if I made better choices.

    I think going over on calcium and other vitamins is fine-as long as you aren't going crazy-I have heard that you can overdose on ANYTHING and that sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad things. But you would have to eat WAY too much for a long period of time to have a negative effect.

    I try not to really worry about sugar because I found that fruits and veggies will make you go over-found myself limiting those which I feel is a bad thing. If I go over because of chocolate cake-that's another story-and it better not happen every day. Once in a while is a good thing! :)