Shred space and equipment

Just looking for some information about 30 day shred.

Do you need any equipment, weights etc!?

How much space do you need?, my tv is in the bedroom and I don't have much space to move



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    The only equipment you need is a set of handweights - although you may prefer to buy 2 or 3 sets in different weights so that you can start out small and move up to the bigger ones as you progress. I started out having to use 1 lb and 3 lb weights (depending on the exercise - some of the shoulder exercises were hard enough that I had to use the 1 lb weights - although really you could just use water bottles for 1 lb if you don't want to spend money on them LOL) then I was able to move up to alternating between 3 lb and 5 lb. Might be able to move up another notch for some of the moves soon, so I asked for another set of weights for Christmas. :-) If you're working out on a hard surface (wood, linoleum, tile, etc) you might also want a yoga mat for the exercises that you do actually on the floor.

    You do need some space to maneuver, but you don't have to be able to move around the room much. If you can stand in your space and be able to take a wide step side-to-side and room to do a lunge and stretch out for push-ups, you have enough space for the Shred.

    If your computer has a DVD player you could consider that space as well, if it's a laptop you can really pick any room in your house....