How much do you flucuate in a day?



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I fluctuate about 5-6 times a day. If I eat beans, or any other high-fiber food, I'll fluctuate all day! My wife hates it! I had a couple of Whoppers over the weekend, and my fluctuation was awful!

    Those whoopers are something else!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I weigh myself many times throughout the week. Usually from morning to morning there's only a pound or two difference (last week it was 4 which scared me for a second because I hadn't weighed myself for most of the week but it turned out I was just at a high that morning and was back to normal the next day) . From morning to night I can get up to 5 pounds though.

    The only time I really worry about a fluctuation is if the scale went up and stayed up...and usually if the number is that high for a few days then it's a stayer. :(
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    i weigh myself just about every morning and typically i weight more after a good workout and then drop below my pre workout weight (at least by a couple tenths) before my next work out (I do on average 3/wk). otherwise i havent seen a jump bigger than ~2 pounds from day to day (minus when i am on my period and my weight is all over the place)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I can fluctuate up to 5-6lbs in a day. :)

    I don't pay much attention since allow myself a 5lb "range".

    However, if I see it go up and stay up - I will start evaluating what I'm eating, have I had enough water, have I taken any medications (pain meds make me retain water terribly), etc. Usually I can figure out what it is and get it back down to normal within a day or two.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    I weigh everyday morning and night.. Naked and after my morning pee its usually 131 but this morning it was 133. Last night I weighted 135 so yes it does go up and down its a normal thing. I say if you dont go over a 5 pound leway then you are doing great. Im in a maintaing mode for the past 2 months and it still gets frustrating but I workout 4-5 days a week you have to consider muscle weight. I hope this helped.. Have a good day

  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've been doing some personal studies with my weight. I once weighed myself before a nap, slept for 2 hours, and lost 3 lbs. I'll randomly weigh myself throughout the day. Depending on how much sitting or standing or activity I'm doing. I don't record any of it. Just see what's working for me and what's not. I'm just interested on the how the body works on the scale when you eat, after you pee, naked vs clothes. Certain times of day, times of the month, etc. I do it just to see. I record only on certain days. It's just interesting to me. :)

    I did that when I switched to wheat free/low carb and saw a big difference in daily fluctuations, instead of it going up 4-6lbs a day I was only gaining by a single pound, if hadn't been to bathroom I would stay 1lb up the next day and so on.. until went to bathroom (which wasn't as often after I first dropped most cards)

    when I got monthlies I wasn't putting on as much water either and losing it quicker.. to be sure i added wheat back to see what happened after a few months and within 2 days my daily fluctuations were back to 4-6lbs a day.

    Also if I exercise alot my water goes up, which kind of defeats the object of exercising to lose more as it puts me off when I joined monthly weigh-ins and can't lose anything weigh-in day as I'm storing water from exercising all week!

    After doing loads of exercise PMT week i put on 10lbs of water that week with exercise plus additional water from monthlies :noway: ... luckily its dropping off but slower than usual, so its put me off exercising, but I don't lose any inches unless I sweat loads during cardio sessions... so its frustrating! :frown:
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I don't know that I do. I'm supposed to weigh-in tomorrow morning, but I did it tonight instead (at 10pm, after eating dinner, dessert, and lots of tea). I'm down 2 pounds from last week, and at my size I find it highly improbable that I'm down any more than that. I can confirm or retract this tomorrow morning! :)

    Okay, I was down another 2 pounds this morning. Guess I fluctuate as weel!