most cals in a day



  • megansoriano
    haha I love this! That is a lot of burger!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    hehe some interesting stuff here.

    Rae6503: Oh no, beaten by a girl! j/k :tongue:

    I didn't really think about the alcohol calories when posting this. I suppose if you wanted to drinking any mega sugar premix cans you could quite easily get some mega cals in. That's not really in my nutritional plans though haha.

    Mine only included a couple glasses of wine and THREE slices of 500 calorie pecan pie.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
  • mrfitness_28
  • camillehardeman
    Never more than 2500 that I can remember or see! Damn, I am really impressed with you guys though! Hahaha
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Are we talking about pre or current MFP calories????

    Lets see, one of my worst pre MFP days :

    Cocoa Krispies with Whole Milk approx: 300 calories

    Box of Macaroni and Cheese approx: 400 calories
    Cool Ranch Doritos- 140 calories
    Mt.Dew- 150 calories

    1 Large pepperoni papa John's Pizza: 310 per slice times 12 slices is approx : 3720
    2 Cans of Coke: 150 each is approx 300 calories

    Going out that night-
    3 Strawberry Daquiris with whipped cream approx: 1500 calories
    3 Lemon Drop Shots- 120 calories
    2 Blow Job Shots- 160 calories
    Loaded Nachos- Guessing about 400 calories

    Of course this is all approximated and you can imagine how I felt the next is about 7190....... And I remember because this was my 21st birthday! I went from 165 pounds to 225 over the course of 6 years eating like this. I am shocked it wasn't more!!!!! This is the most I can ever remember eating in my life.

    Now that I am using MFP, The highest amount of calories I have consumed was a few days ago. I went over my goal because I needed a cheat day.....It was 1940 calories. 740 over my daily goal. That was because I just HAD to have some alcohol with dinner, otherwise I would have made my goal..

    It's a HUGE difference I have made with my eating habits. I used to order 2 steak quesadillas from taco bell AND additional soft tacos. I would order CASES of White Castle burgers and eat about 15 of them without slowing down! I have no idea now how my stomach managed to contain all of that food and have no idea why I did not get up to 300 pounds in the past 6 years, maybe because I was very active with sports and work and that helped burn them down, but believe me when I say that now thinking back to that, it disgusts me!!!

    Seriously! I feel like that was another person and not me. I don't even WANT pizza anymore. I crave zucchini and chicken wraps, not pizza rolls and pasta. In fact....come to think of it, I haven't eaten pasta at all since I started MFP!

    I serisouly have no idea how I didn't get heavier then I was! I ate soooo much! uuugggggg.....I'm so ashamed.....Thank God I found My Fitness Pal! It changed my life!!!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good work on the positive change chubbybunnee.

    All those alcohol numbers reconfirm why I like my spirits. Cease 500cals per drink!
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    The most I have had in the last couple of years is 4300 or so, I felt like crap the next day but I had plenty of energy for my workout.