
Hello all,

I downloaded the app a couple weeks ago or so, but I just visited the website last night. I'm a junior in college and I have slowly been putting on weight since I started college in the fall of 2009. I'm still technically in a normal weight range but I have recently been feeling negatively about myself because I'm not in shape and I feel like my thighs and stomach area look bad/fat.

I would really like to lose 10-15 pounds by spring break (my family is going to Hawaii), but I'm having problems with calorie limits. I've been trying to stick to my calorie limit of 1310 calories per day, but I feel like it all adds up really quick and I'm still hungry almost the entire day. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. About two weeks ago I was really emotional and had somewhat of a breakdown because trying to stay within the calorie range is making me hungry and feel really depressed and negative about myself, so I decided I wasn't going to worry so much about sticking to the calorie limit and I was just going to try to eat healthier snacks, drink more water, drink less soda, and exercise, and see where that got me.

At school I have the convenience and benefit of an extraordinary gym/rec center that is included in my tuition, but I am now home for an entire month and broke from school, therefore unable to pay for a gym membership. I also have problems motivating myself to exercise, as well as eating healthy. I'm addicted to soda but have been trying very hard to cut down, currently limiting myself to usually 1 can per day. I also have a candy addiction.

I need as much help as I can get, this is the first time I've really tried to lose weight. So far I have seen little to no results (my weight fluctuates a lot within a 3 pound difference). I really hope I can change some of my habits to healthier ones and at least get into better shape if I really am unable to lose the weight!


  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member

    A few thoughts:

    Try not to let just being 10/15 lbs over effect your self esteem - it is much more impotent what you do with your lifethan if you are just a little too curvy....

    If you don't want to do 1300 calories (I sure as hec would not) then go for a much more gentle pace (iog everything and just aim to be 100 calories under?) or up Theo exercise so you can eat more

    Think up fun free excercise (dance in your bedroom, look at the websites for home workouts, skip or run)

    Concentrate more on taking good care of you and your body - because you are worth it - and less on negative emotions (we all have bad days the trick is to adjust across the next couple of days nit beat yourself up!)

    Have fun trying new foods and enjoy those healthy snacks as well as that soda - one can a day is great

    Any, some suggestions for you....

    Good luck! Gently does it too - and it will help you develop good eating habits for life and confidence in not gaining more weight (at least that's what I am hoping - working so far for me!!)
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member

    A few thoughts:

    Try not to let just being 10/15 lbs over effect your self esteem - it is much more impotent what you do with your lifethan if you are just a little too curvy....

    If you don't want to do 1300 calories (I sure as hec would not) then go for a much more gentle pace (iog everything and just aim to be 100 calories under?) or up Theo exercise so you can eat more

    Think up fun free excercise (dance in your bedroom, look at the websites for home workouts, skip or run)

    Concentrate more on taking good care of you and your body - because you are worth it - and less on negative emotions (we all have bad days the trick is to adjust across the next couple of days nit beat yourself up!)

    Have fun trying new foods and enjoy those healthy snacks as well as that soda - one can a day is great

    Any, some suggestions for you....

    Good luck! Gently does it too - and it will help you develop good eating habits for life and confidence in not gaining more weight (at least that's what I am hoping - working so far for me!!)
  • KellyAnn1874
    KellyAnn1874 Posts: 32 Member
    Same boat! We got this girl! Use the food journal, it really helps! And women's health has some healthy and yummy recipes that I cook for my family over breaks! I also try to go grocery shopping with my mom to make sure there's no junk laying around our house for me to munch on. Do you have dogs at home? Walking them around your neighborhood is a great way to get a little exercise over the break and you can find some great at home light workouts on the Cosmo website!
  • Chelsea830
    Chelsea830 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! I am pretty new myself but, feel free to add me! I have some of the same problems! One of the things that I have done is look at other members food diaries. It helped me get some ideas for meals and snacks. Part of this is trial and error, what works for someone else may not for you. Just have to experiment and do your homework!! Again, welcome and good luck!!!
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you everyone for the good advice =] Hopefully your suggestions and support will help me be more successful! I appreciate all of your comments and tips!
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey, I am a junior in college too and have faced a lot of the same obstacles you are facing.
    one of the biggest things this site has given me is eating healthier, not just less. i look at the nutrition info on 99% of the things i want to eat before I do and have from that cut out a lot of things that don't have any real benefit to my health

    as far as candy goes i suggest buying the fun size and limiting yourself to one or two of those a day, I found it really hard to give up the sweets as well but i find now that i am more than satisfied with the little pieces

    good luck! if you (or anyone else) needs support feel free to add me!
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for the advice, the fun size bags is a good idea! =]
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Welcome to the site =) looking forward to seeing more of you on the forum
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you =] Hopefully interacting on the forums will help me out more with my motivation.
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks again everybody! I would love some friends/encouragement/support if anybody is interested, and will try to do the same for you!
  • kelly3779
    kelly3779 Posts: 33 Member
    The advice youre getting is great so far, theyre totally right just keep logging and shoot to stay under your calorie range. But, since your goal is to look good in a swimsuit you also might want to try strength training at the gym and do more core work. If you need support on your way feel free to add me. The first step is making the effort. :)
  • veggie_1200
    Feel free to add me! :) I'm also in college looking to lose 15-20 lbs!