Thai-Style Chicken Wraps (Recipe & Pic)


I had a bunch of people asking me for this, so I thought I'd share it with MFP as well! Enjoy~

I ground up my own chicken breasts I had left over, but it was almost a pound, just to be transparent here.

1 lb ground chicken
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1/2 tablespoon of lime (more or less, depending on your palate)
a dash of fish sauce
dash of dried basil or cut up some fresh basil
white and black pepper
1 whole shallot
green onion
1/2 cup of sliced baby bella mushrooms
1/4th cup cashews

For the sauce: combine the oyster sauce, fish sauce, lime juice, basil, white and black pepper and cilantro.

Take the ground chicken and combine it with a little bit of the sauce, mix. Cooked the baby bella mushrooms and the shallots first, until the shallots become opaque. Then spoon in a little bit of sauce to flavor it. Then add the chicken and the rest of the sauce. Cook thoroughly, then add the cashews and let rest on warm. Serve with iceberg or butter lettuce. Add Thai chilli peppers if you want something fiery! Low carb as well as low cal!

You can sub shallots for garlic and onion, and baby bella mushrooms for the regular white ones, I recommend baby bella for its ability to hold flavor very well. Approx 166 cals/wrap.
