Hello, everyone!

About thirty minutes ago I ate six pieces of Lindt milk chocolate as a late night snack because this particular month is where stress levels reach their climax for university students.
And then I realized that I was done.
Not done the delectable chocolate bar, of course - but done with this lifestyle and this undesirable body.
I first said that to myself January 2011, and here I am, with not a single pound shed since Day One.
During the summer I think I lost about nine pounds but I just regained them all back by the time October came around. My workplace is a bar where we serve a variety of drinks, including bubble tea (those monstrously delicious high-carb beverages), and working long shifts where there's nothing to do for a couple of hours after lunch and dinner tempts me to make myself something.
I followed a 1300-calorie diet and that didn't help much. This December I was told to go on a low-carb, high-fibre, high-protein diet - and I intend to do so. I tend to find that my willpower isn't strong enough to keep me saddled. I always give in and tell myself, "Okay, I'll start tomorrow," or "I'll start this Monday, or perhaps this Friday."

I'm 5"4 and I weigh 140 pounds. That isn't highly overweight (according to BMI, anyway) but it's dangerously close. I have a significant amount of belly fat, wear a size 28 for jeans, and generally wear loose, lightweight clothing to hide the undesirable spots. My goal is 115.

I look around the website and success stores repeatedly leave me in awe - there are people who have lost 100+ pounds and I can't even bring myself to lose 25. My schedule is extremely busy and I recognize that I have to make time for this if I really want it. I also know that I'll need to exercise and not just diet. I always hope that I had enough inspiration to bring myself to stick through with it to the end. I'm not typically an insecure person - I rarely ever have social anxiety and am a natural leader. However, weight has always been an insecurity of mine. I think it's hindering me from truly shining to the best of my capabilities.. (and how I would love to wear a fabulous dress without thinking about whether my arms look fat or not or if my stomach is protruding out!)
I decided to join this website because I need advice and motivation - help in general.
Today I post here as a vow and a promise - after today I will no longer say to myself, "Start again on this or that day." If anyone would so kindly lend weight loss advice, exercise tips, or befriend me and help me achieve my goals, I would be most grateful.