fat and fed up!!

my friends on here would have seen me trying all sorts of stupid diets, iv had a personal trainer, iv had walking buddies and iv got every sort of gym equiptment you can think of...

but it never lasts. since i broke my toe in October i really fell off the wagon and its only recently i opened my eyes to stopping fad dieting and just eating healthy and normally. but i looked in the mirror last night and i swear iv gained about a stone! my legs look massive and dimply, my stomach wobbles and i just feel crap :o(

i cant seem to get the motivation to exercise. i dont even know what exercise to do. i cant afford a gym membership or trainer anymore. my walking buddy has bailed on me so all i have is myself and my own will power which i am lacking in.

im not very fit so i would need to start again from the beginning... can anyone help me get my *kitten* moving? i feel like iv actually given up and cant get back on it :sad:


  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    I'm feeling exactly the same. The weather is miserable, there are parties and dinners out what feels like every day, I'm skint and have lost all motivation!

    But I am determined to get back on it. I've put on half a stone in a couple of weeks and am determined to loose it again.

    Can you maybe find another walking buddy? Or try and do an exercise DVD a couple of times a week?

    If you find some inspiration, please send some my way!
  • scotrunner
    scotrunner Posts: 87 Member
    Hello, I agree it is hard to be motivated at this time of year. Since there is only 2 weeks till Christmas and there are lots of temptations out there why don't you set yourself to maintenance and make it your aim not to gain weight just now then come January start afresh with a positive attitude and less temptations? I think it's really difficult to start anything just now. Just an idea!
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    Do as much as you can, excercise wise. Avoid the fad diets - stock up with loads of lovely veggies and fruit, eat good protein. I avoid saturated fat but cook with small amounts of good oils. . My nutrition looks good most weeks thanks to MFP.
    I cook most of my foods from scratch even though I'm a working mom. I still enjoy my wine and JD & coke (it will feature heavily in my diet over the next couple of weeks, Xmas, birthday and new year.)I've seen a slow steady weight loss here with MFP as my jiminy cricket. I'm on a plateau at the moment but know I'll be back on track after the holiday season.
  • It must be a English thing, the weather is truely miserable outside and I havent been on my cross trainer for a couple of days.
    Hell I even had a pizza on friday and ended up gaining 2 pounds!

    But I have been looking after my in-laws dog, and been going on walks with her. So as of this morning I have dropped 3 pounds... I wouldnt even say the walks have been that big!!
    And its not a case of being wobbly, you have lost weight! I have the same problem, and I know my body is just showing me that it needs toning up. So I am going to increase the core weight training and do some toning. And after Christmas Day I am going to try that 30Day Shred that all our american friends have been going on about!

    So never worry if you have a bad day, week or even month. You can always pick up the pace again and start over, buy/rent/download an exercise DVD/Game and give it a go.
    I wish I had as much gym equipment as you!
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Start small - what can you do to improve your food intake to ensure you are eating within your calories (without exercise)? If you have that down already then what about indoor activities - like exercise videos, dancing, cleaning, using the equipment you have? I have an elliptical that I ride for at least 30 minutes each morning. Back in August when I became serious about getting / keeping the weight off, I made a commitment to myself - at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. That's really not that hard to achieve. Are you drinking water? Just some suggestions to get you going - along with what another MFP said - fruits and veggies! Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    Just hang in there. I've tried every diet that as come around. Years ago when I was in college my mom worried so much about me she some how talked with Richard Simmons and he called me at school and talked to me. He send me that points diet thing for free!!!! It didnt work. Nothing worked for me until I set my mind to lose the weight. I'm 42 and I have lost 118 pounds since Jan. I was 375 in May, this morning I weighed 183.8 pounds!!!!!!

    How did I do it? First, I was going to lose the diet ot die trying!!!!! I wanted this more than anything in the world. I have at bites of food in my mouth and I think, You dont need that, your not even hungry, so I spit it out. If i'm in a room and I'm temped my the food, I leave the room. I do this a lot. I have even had people at work put dounuts in front of me and I just push it away right off.

    First you need to know diets do not work ever. You go off diets and gain the weight back. You need a life style change. You change what you eat. Are there things I would love to eat YEEESSSSS!!!! but I know I cant eat them anymore. You do need to set up a day where you reward youself with something but it has to something that keeps you close to your calorie intake, dont under but close. Mines is mexican, I have the chicken fajita fixed with no oil, with corn tortilas not flour(they will bring you 5 pieces, only eat 4, wad up the last one in the foil so you dont eat it) no sour cream or the green stuff, and give your beans and rice away(very important its not close to you so you cant get a bite. Just eat the lettuce and tomato stuff. Ask for a bowl of salsa and a spoon and just eat it, NO CHIPS they add a ton of calories.

    And log everything you eat, everything, do it for you and a much better life.

    I know you can do this, I did and I'm lazy and hate diets:happy:
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I agree with scotrunner about the maintenance, at this time of year you will try to deny yourself this that and the other and by doing so you will just make yourself want them even more, this is one of the worst things you can do IMO.

    so my advice is as follows, eat what you want and enjoy every bit of it but when you eat pay attention to it. When you are full up simply stop eating, you can always have more food if you get hungry again but not the other way around.

    Exercise for me was always the weak point, I am sure I made general comments such as I dont like any exercise yet every day at work I was going for a lunch time walk, not to the point where I was losing any weight but it maintained a low level of fitness if nothing else.

    The best thing I ever did was to walk on my own and increase the effort, my speed went from average 4kph to 6kph and I would walk 5 days per week and I have lost 8 stone just by walking, you don't need to pay money or join gyms to lose weight. If you want to change you will, if you don't you wont it really is as simple as that.

    Step one for you is as follows:

    Get a piece of paper and put a line down the middle, on the left write down all the reasons why you want to be thinner, lose weight or whatever you want to get from this, number each one.

    Now in the other column write down all the reasons why you don't want to lose weight, I am sure you will think to start with you don't have any but i guarantee you will and you will most likely end up with more reasons to stay as you are.

    Some examples to get you going.

    To look good
    To be fit & healthy
    Feel attractive

    Why to stay the same

    I can sit on the sofa and do nothing
    I can eat whatever i want whenever i want
    If i don't try I wont fail
    Can't be bothered

    Sorry this is a bit longer than I thought it would be
  • Eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 big meals(:
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I too was tired of being a fat, unlovable, ugly slug.

    And it hit me when somebody took a picture of me while I was not expecting and caught the true me.
    I was fat - F.A.T.


    That was 64 lbs ago, and I will NEVER return to that life of grobesity, back aches, indigestion, anal fistulas and looking like a rooting hog. That ship has sailed. Welcome!

    Best of luck to you!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    You know I'm one of your friends who disapporoves of your fad diets :grumble: but you know why? Because you get great results with them initially and then they get boring, monotonous and difficult to work into your everyday life!

    In less than a year I have lost 34lbs, and I haven't ruled anything out of my food diary, I don't use a gym, and I don't have any exercise buddies. I know it's difficult but you have to take charge of yourself. Eat well 85-90% of the time and let yourself have a few treats the rest of the time. Do what exercise you CAN get for free - yes, I have a Wii Fit but I got that for my Christmas present last year, I walk my dogs, I walk wherever I can during the day rather than taking public transport, I use the stairs instead of lifts - it all adds up.

    Above all, don't expect a quick fix. You don't have much to lose so it WILL be harder for you, and I agree that you would probably do well to set yourself to either maintenence or just losing half a pound a week until the new year, that way you don't beat yourself up about the numbers too much - that's what I've done.

    You'll get there :flowerforyou:
  • Yes it is Christmas time and the weather is terrible...........but both of those are excuses. Not trying to be rude....... Making excuses never works and no one can change you..............only you can!! If you want to truly change you have to stop trying fad diets and you have to stop making excuses. Sit down and plan out a menu and an exercise log. This will help you take control of your eating and will help you know what exercises to do. Get back on track. I use a meal replacement shake of the morning (Body By Vi) (if you need more iinfo message me). I don't like breakfast foods so this has been a life saver for me. I also do not want to cook in the morning. Also you can set aside one day for food prep. In just 45 minutes on Sunday I had made a crock pot of Sweet Potato stew and a veggie pizza which I will eat on all week. If you need any more help message me. :0)
  • :drinker: Never give up on your body! The only person who can do it for you is you.:drinker: after all that inspirational jazz Im headed out for a morning jog. Good Luck:wink:
  • Add me if you want support
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    awww thanks everyone. i guess i just needed a pick me up.

    i dont know why im so afraid to walk on my own!!! maybe its a self concious thing where i look like a plonker shaking my *kitten* down the road.

    maybe it is the weather? winter for me is easier to eat healthier because i have all the veggies to cook with which i love. im not getting too worried about xmas food, its more the alchole which frightens me.

    Right no more excuses, 50 mins till lunch and im going to go for a walk :o)

    thanks everyone. you guys are so encouraging i love this site xxx
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I find it much easier to walk when I have a goal in mind, rather than round a circuit. I loathe 'exercise' and I feel much less self-conscious about walking on my own if I'm on my way to/from work, and definitely not dressed in 'exercise clothes'. Can you work some walking into your daily commute? I've dropped 27lb in the last three months, without removing anything from my diet - just being mindful of my net calorific intake, and walking part or all of the way home from work - at least a half an hour at a brisk pace. Just something you might want to think about/try. There are usually more people around at peak commuting times as well, which helps on the safety front, now that the nights are drawing in earlier. Good luck!
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    If you can't find a new walking buddy could you borrow someone's dog to take for a walk? I feel less self conscious when I am walking my dogs as you can focus on them (and people will be looking at them instead!)

    Or combine it with a good deed and become a volunteer dog walker for an animal charity?
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    If you can't find a new walking buddy could you borrow someone's dog to take for a walk? I feel less self conscious when I am walking my dogs as you can focus on them (and people will be looking at them instead!)

    Or combine it with a good deed and become a volunteer dog walker for an animal charity?
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I hear ya. I, like you, did the fad Dukan. It worked, wonderfully. Then I fell off the wagon and occasionally got back on, but never for any length of time. So I'm not quite back to square one, but I'm heading there. I don't feel able to 'diet' at the moment, and by that I even mean plan old calorie counting, but I'm trying to reintroduce the exercise that my motivation has stopped me from doing too. I am either 100% or 0% and that ain't a good thing. So I'm doing damage limitation: exercising when/where I can (which is less than before as I've less energy, inclination and abilty: what I could do before, I can't) but anything's better than nothing.

    I'm not good at walking for no reason/just for exercise, so make sure you have a purpose: can you walk to/from work? If you get the bus, do the 'get off a stop early' thing, or if you drive, do the 'park further away' thing. I know that at least if I can't/don't gym, I've got 40 mins a day walking the 20 minute walk to/from the train station to work.
  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    hey u sound jst exactly like me av been doin the same fad diet ging to gym personal trainer ba bla bla..... lets b frnds n tell each other v r all doing. i jst need to lose 20 lbs to reach my target weight n its veryyyyyyy hard coz i jst binge at the end of the day. calorie counter is telling me that i need to eat 1200 calorie a day so al b able to lose 0.7 lbs per week slow but i'll b able to eat. last year i went on a 800 calorie diet i raed alot about its dangers but i jst wanted to go thin n i went down to 47 kg but nw av gained it al back n also a heart prob u knw it takes energy from ur organs if u dnt eat enough. so m gona stick to 1200 calories n lose weight slowly this is going to b my last diet in my life if i achieve my goal weight then its awsome or else i'll say gud bye to diet n hello hi to my lovly cookies :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :wink: :smile: :tongue:
  • mummy2oscar
    mummy2oscar Posts: 17 Member
    Ditto to everything you have said.

    I broke my toe a few years ago and let me tell you it hurts and still does especially if I knock it at all.

    As far as getting the pounds off I have founf MFP to be great although until a few weeks ago I wasn't really using the site properly.

    I know that Christmas and the New Year are just about here which means lots of over eating and drinking, but I have made a promise to myself that I will give 110% to getting healthy in 2012 and I mean to do it. My friends on MFP are brill and I get loads of encouragement from them which really helps.

    But I am looking forward to a new year and a new me.

    If you want to make me a friend we can be long distance buddies and cheer each other on.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou: