How did you decide on your goal weight?



  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    At first I just wanted to be under 200. Then I went and asked my doc what he thought. He said that the upper limit of my BMI was 165 but that would be too skinny. He suggested that I not worry so much about my weight and instead focus on body composition. So that's what I've been doing for the past month or two. I'm still losing a little weight and eating at a deficit to cut fat but I don't really have a goal weight that I am striving for. I would like to get to about 10% body fat. That's what I am focusing on. Then I'll go from there.
  • gardengal01
    I used a BMI calculator but that is in no way saying 145 will be the perfect weight for me. I may want to lose more when I get there. I'm just going to play it by how I feel
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I started at 214.6. I set 145 as my goal. That is 70 lbs. I have lost 48.6 to date. According to BMI charts..I should be 136...but I am a I think 142-145 will be ideal. I am wearing a size 10 at 166 lbs...I want to wear a 6/8 and NOT be skinny fat which is why Ill be happy with 145 and a runners body :)
  • sms1986
    sms1986 Posts: 113 Member
    155lbs is sort of in the middle of healthy for a 5 foot 9 and a half/176cm male of medium build.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    As of now at 136 or so I'm at a "healthy" weight (5'4"), however at this point I'm trying not to concentrate
    on the scale too much. I'm so close to my personal goal of 130... it's very hard. Really what want is to be toned
    and fit. So as long as I'm getting more energy and muscles and all of the benefits... I'm not too
    worried on the scale weight.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I don't have a goal weight anymore... only a goal look (defined abs), and goal fitness level (e.g. being able to do a one-arm pull-up). Both are very very difficult goals, but won't stop me from trying.

    Initially, though, I did have a goal weight of 130lbs. I was starting at almost 190 pounds, which is huge for my height of 5' 1.5". Skinny girls of my height seemed to be around 100-105 pounds range, and I think I thought to myself, "oh, it's gonna be too hard/ unhealthy for me to reach THAT low" and picked 130. But now I weigh less than 130, and it's obvious that I still have plenty of fat to lose!
  • twirwin
    How much I weighed in High School.
  • sunnykt
    My sister's weight- 58kg. She's an inch taller, but 5 years younger and still a teen. So I figure I deserve a little bit of extra weight per inch. Plus, that's a BMI of 20. My first goal was 63 kg, which was my ideal of an 'acceptable' weight.
  • torkmdeg
    torkmdeg Posts: 51 Member
    I looked my best at my goal weight of 130 pounds. I'd be happy getting to 140, but I've set my goal at 130 so that I can be proud I've managed to get back down to that weight for the first time in... quite a while!
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    170lbs.. Most of my friends are around this weight so what I want to do now is get lower then them. (160lbs goal) One day I'm going to call them all fat :laugh:
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    My goal weight is a normal BMI. I didn't know what I ultimately wanted to weigh so I just picked something. Now that I have reached it I think I want to lose another 15 pounds to put me well into my healthy range. My husband is not to happy about it though. He likes me where am at but since it's my body I feel I have the right to be selfish! :laugh:
  • kylexii
    I don't really have a goal weight, although I suppose having a ticker says otherwise, haha. I'm a healthy weight for my height, but I don't like the way my body looks and feels. Watching the number on the scale drop would be so awesome! (hence the ticker) But ultimately what I'm really focused on is inches lost, feeling my body get stronger & watching my body change and get toned.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    About 5 lbs more than I weighed in high school. I'm short with a small frame and I've gained a lot of muscle since then so this weight seemed maintainable with minimal effort.
  • PoochPottery
    This is a good website:

    Gives you some choices!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I just picked a number in the middle of my ideal BMI range. As I get closer to that number, I'll probably adjust to a more specific goal with muscle toning and all that. =)

    Me too. The range for my height is something like 107-145, so I picked 125 which is comfortably in the middle of the range. Also happens to be 5 lbs less than when I got married but 10 lbs more than when I met my husband, so I actually have a bit of an idea of what it will be like when I get there. Except I'll be in better shape since I'm working out now, so I'll adjust as I see how I feel and look.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I picked the weight just outside the normal BMI for my height (5'7") and build (medium), and settled on 160. I've been as low as 163, and look forward to getting there again. It would be nice to hit 156 for an even 100 pounds since I started this journey, but honestly people start complaining about me looking "rail thin" (my wife included) the closer I get to 160.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I wanted to be back at my high school weight 135. That's my deciding factor:happy:
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    Its my pre-baby weight
  • withoutaname
    withoutaname Posts: 64 Member
    It was roughly the weight that I was, when I was a lot slimmer.

    It's also right in the middle of the healthy BMI range, and is also in the middle of the "ideal" weight for my frame.

    And also it's a round number, I figured it would be good to start off with. Maybe when I get closer to my goal weight I will readjust, however it still seems the perfect number for me.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    My main goal is to get to 180 lbs and I'm almost there! I picked a number that I know from experience I can maintain at very easily without thinking. Now that still puts me about 13 lbs overweight at 180 and I can deal with that lol! I also wanted a goal that I could get to quite easily... don't get me wrong, it's been a long process but fairly easy.

    Once I get to 180 I hope to maintain that for about a month and then change my goals again to get down to 165 lbs, which would put me at a 24.4 BMI. Once I reach that goal I'll just see how I feel about myself and take it from there. I'm sure I'll want to start lifting heavy and get rid of some fat and add on some sexy muscles!

    Mostly just playing it by ear!