Gym makes me bulk up but not lose flab :(

Hi All,

I tried going to the gym a while ago (I had some vouchers for sessions - otherwise I can't afford it) and was doing 45-60 min cardio workouts using elliptical, row machine, recline bike and cardiowave. But my vouchers ran out and I had to stop but I felt like my legs (especially my calves) bulked up but I didn't lose much from my middle or my thighs :( should I be doing stamina rather than going hard for 60 minutes? I also have a lot of issues with my joints so no treadmill or impact for me unfortunately, and I always have a huge support bandage on my left knee after two operations to remove cartilage.

I was thinking of investing in gym membership but I want to make my time there count as I work 50 hours a week or so and would rather lose the flab than bulking up leg muscles which leaves me sore and frustrated!

Any ideas?


  • You need to do strength training. You'll see better results from that. And just understand that you need to lift HEAVY weights. It's really hard for a girl to build muscle.. we have to work much harder to build because we dont have a lot of testosterone. Lift heavy and you'll see results :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    As I just stated in another post.. You are not bulking up! What's happening is the fat is melting off, so the muscle is more pronounced.. but thats it!

    As far as if you should invest in a gym membership and what type of exercises, that needs to be talked over with your doc or a personal trainer. Most people would recommend a program of both cardio and weights, but since you have joint issues, weight lifting may be out of the question.
  • You need to do strength training. You'll see better results from that. And just understand that you need to lift HEAVY weights. It's really hard for a girl to build muscle.. we have to work much harder to build because we dont have a lot of testosterone. Lift heavy and you'll see results :)

    Yes! And not only is it hard to gain muscle, harder for women, but also MUCH harder to gain muscle on a calorie deficit. You wont be bulking up I promise :] I lift heavy and am by no means bulky
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    The gym didn't make you do anything - just get on some solid, safe program of weekly cardio and resistance exercise - hitting each 3 times each week, eating your goal in daily calories for a one lb weight loss each week. No excuses.

    Keep at it for a month, then let's talk.
    Losing fat safely and correctly takes time and work.

    You can do it!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Going to the gym, working out is kind of a lifestyle thing and needs commitment, if your ready for that then join a gym......if your still in the excuse stages, don't bother, wait until your totally fed up with with your being and can't really make more excuses, then try again. :smile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    In order to lose "flab" (fat) you need to eat at a consistent small-moderate calorie deficit over several weeks. Cardio helps with this but you can also accomplish it with food restriction alone. Weight training along with proper protien levels helps retain muscle as you lose so you don't end up "skinny fat".
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Hi All,

    I tried going to the gym a while ago (I had some vouchers for sessions - otherwise I can't afford it) and was doing 45-60 min cardio workouts using elliptical, row machine, recline bike and cardiowave. But my vouchers ran out and I had to stop but I felt like my legs (especially my calves) bulked up but I didn't lose much from my middle or my thighs :( should I be doing stamina rather than going hard for 60 minutes? I also have a lot of issues with my joints so no treadmill or impact for me unfortunately, and I always have a huge support bandage on my left knee after two operations to remove cartilage.

    I was thinking of investing in gym membership but I want to make my time there count as I work 50 hours a week or so and would rather lose the flab than bulking up leg muscles which leaves me sore and frustrated!

    Any ideas?

    If you're going for 60 minutes, then you're already doing stamina (and you might not know what "going hard" really is). Start doing high intensity intervals, and really push yourself. Also, resistance training is great too. In fact, resistance training is probably far better for burning fat then cardio. Don't waste your time doing 60 minutes of slow endurance cardio in the "fat burning zone."

    And when we say resistance training, we dont' mean lifting some five pound pink weight 100 times in a "weights" class. That's still cardio.