OMG I am crushing all over MFP



  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I love MFP I log on here way more than FB. To me I feel more comfortable sharing my weightloss journey. Mostly everyone here as a goal they r trying to reach with fitness and everyone on fb would probably get tired of that.
  • CherryIceGlitter
    I have to warn you there is a line O_O! Im in the front! :D

    Anyone standing in line behind you has an amazing view hahaha! Just sayin'


    aww :D we can stand next to each other !! :D bahaha team work!


    I've joined the line!
  • abracasqueak
    I'm so in! Sending you a friend request!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I love MFP as well! I have fb and MFP up but I use MFP as my landing page now.

    I'm very much wanting the cut look as well, I have a long way's to go to actually achieve it but I'm totally in for the cut look. I have a hard time with knowing what to eat to get that look. I'm still trying to work on just eating healthier.
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    It's nice to see some humor! Good luck on all your goals. I'm with you on wanting to look toned. It's so sexy.
  • Hi, my name is Todd and I am addicted to MFP!!!!

    I was debating on dropping Facebook a while ago and then I just stopped looking at it all so I deactivated it.

    I must say my friends are all amazing and I feel like I have much more in common with a lot of them then my real friends. We are all going through the same ups and downs in life. Its great!
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    I have only been on here less then 2 weeks and already addicted! I find myself even when Im out and about checking it on my phone!
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Ha Ha Ha... Ditto that!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    This is a great site and the people are even better! Welcom and friend me if you like.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    ummm......what's facebook?

    And yeah, total mfp addict here! :laugh:
  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    OMG!!! I JUST got on FB and sent out a "Dear John" post! Too funny! FB is getting in the way of most of my life all are my "social network" now!! :blushing:
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    I have at LEAST 14 crushes on MFP..... lol
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    FB has become a thing of the past for me thanx to MPL . Also, there are a lot great folks here...
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
    Lots of inspiring people on here! :) I post on facebook still but they are all posts that may as well have been placed on MFP! Although I did inspire a few people and they asked what my secret was! :) MFP friends, I could not be doing this without you! 34 lbs down since October 19, 2011 and counting! By next year this time I hope my body is "crush worthy"! LOL Keep up the great work MFP friends you inspire me more than you know!
  • gorgeouss9
    DITTO to what everyone is saying!! well, they block FB at work, so :tongue:
  • damifogg
    damifogg Posts: 26 Member
    Oh crap.... so you guys are going to take over my life from now on?

    Can't wait! :-)

    Hello new best friends!!!
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    I love MFP!!! its fantastic!!! :)
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    Haha, so true! I am barely on Facebook anymore. Hell, I got engaged a month ago and was OBSESSED with, and I've even stopped going there. I'm on MFP 24/7.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I posted on FB for once in like a month or so and no one cared... I told my MFP friends and they totally cared! I love MFP and I think I have come across a great group of friends on here. :)
  • thunderlight7
    Great app and site. Its helped me alot.