2012 Challenge


Starting weight =
1st Goal Weight =
2nd Goal Weight =
3rd Goal Weight =


Start Date:- Monday 2 January 2012
End Date:- Friday 22 June 2012
Aim:- To lose 25lbs in 25 weeks
Exercise:- 4 x 1 hour per week (but put nothing down in MPF)
Food:- 1280 calories daily (no alcohol or refined sugar for first 10 weeks of plan)
Drinks:- Limit Coffee & Diet Soda to 1 per day (apart from when drinking alcohol) and drink 3 litres of water daily
Alcohol:- Limit to Birthdays/Works Dos - Only 5 drinks - Vodka Diet Coke or Wine & Soda (eat Jacket Potato + Filing before)

Who's with me??? I really need support this time...I joined this in November and I lost 3lbs and then gained it back so I thought rather than stress about trying to lose anything before Xmas (I have a lot of social outtings including alcohol and fatty food) I would start a fresh in January so I can look hot for Summer 2012!!!

Any thoughts would be appreciated and also what are your New Year's Resolutions? xx


  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    aha i jst LOVE UUUUUU dis is the best plan new year resolution wow awsome av got 20 lbs to lose although av started my diet today m on 1200 calorie diet plan bt ill b wid u so i cn lose the last few pounds as well my goal weight is 43 but current m trying to get dow to 46 so if i lose 3 lbs in dec then ill have 25 more lbs to lose jst a gr8 challenge :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join you. I may not stick to the same calories or workouts, but I will commit to losing one pound per week for 25 weeks. I'd love to have a slimmer, happier summer in 2012! Will we be doing the challenge here, or will you be setting up a group for the challenge?
  • PLEASE can I do this.. you're the best for coming up with this..

    these were my goals but could use the extra motivation so I can start meeting them!

    Goal 1 - 90kg (New Hairstyle) - 2 December - STILL WAITING
    Goal 2 - 85kg (Eyebrows and Eyelashes) - 1 January 2012
    Goal 3 - 80kg (Weekend Away) - HALF WAY MARK (sort of) - 17 February 2012
    Goal 4 - 75kg (TBA) - 1 April 2012
    Goal 5 - 72.5kg (TBA) - 1 May 2012
    Goal 6 - 70kg (TBA) - 1 June 2012
    ULTIMATE GOAL (for now) - 67kg - Makeover: New clothes, hair, body - EVERYTHING - 26 June 2012 (My 25th BDAY)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hi... I will join you... I may not be the same on exercise and food, but I do want to reach my goal by the first week of June 2012. How is the challenge going to work? Do we just weigh in every week or something?!
  • I would love to join that I need a good kick in the butt to get me going, I need to lose 87 so to have a challenge like that will help my body to get into losing that weight.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I love this, but I have an added suggestion.... how about we include like waist measurements and stuff? I know there are going to be weeks where some of us may lose only half a pound and having those measurements might be nice to offset that.
  • I'd love to join you in this! I started here under a different account almost six months ago, lost 5kg in 5 weeks, and then got really sick, fell off the wagon, and put most of that 5kg back on.
    My plan is mostly similar to yours, though I will allow myself treats here and there. ;)
    I'm currently 74.3kg.

    1st goal - 65kg
    2nd goal - 60kg
    3rd goal - 55kg
    The Finish Line! - 50kg
  • Oh great feedback guys love that you are all so enthusiastic :-) do you all want to add me as a friend? Then I will start a group/event and I will add you all to it?

    I think the waist/hip/thigh measurement is a great idea!! xx
  • I'm the same as RisingAboveIt! Can't guarantee the exercise but would definitely be up for losing 1lb per week! :happy:
  • I'll do it! I have 22lbs to lose.:smile:
  • Leah_Nicole219
    Leah_Nicole219 Posts: 63 Member
    I would love to join also! I have 27 pounds to goal. If I can just at least maintain through New Year's I am ready to start losing some serious weight in a few weeks! :)
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    I'm up to losing a pound a week. Count me in! Currently, I weigh 239 lbs so 1,280 calories is too low for me. Otherwise, I can do it. Please send me an invite to the group.
  • I have added you all as friends to the group…roll on 2 January 2012 :-)

    Your calorie goal can be your limit for losing 1lb per week so just tweak it for you…we don’t want anyone starving and then ending up going off the wagon hehe!

    I am so excited to start this!!! xx
  • purple_punk
    purple_punk Posts: 174 Member
    I'm up for this, will read later when I'm on my laptop! :)
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    o sounds great i will probably work out a little bit more than 4 times a week but id be keen to give this ago. never been part of a group before :D
  • Just curious - why limit coffee?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Exercise:- 4 x 1 hour per week (but put nothing down in MPF)
    Food:- 1280 calories daily (no alcohol or refined sugar for first 10 weeks of plan)
    Any thoughts would be appreciated and also what
    are your New Year's Resolutions? xx

    Where did you get 1280 from? If you're not going to log your exercise, then pick a reasonable target like 1580 or so, to avoid dropping some weight and then stalling out.
  • I 100% agree with guru. 1280 plus that much exercise is going to do more harm than good.
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    Oh Me me me lol
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm hoping my hips aint too wide for a size 8 my waist needs alot of work I'm 38 in Feb my goal is to get under 10 stone.