Advice on keeping up a healthy diet.......

So I have been back on mfp for about 2 weeks now and have been doing pretty good, but I really need help with my diet. Does anyone know any good sites that help with diet plans to keep me on track. I really want to accomplish my weight loss goals and now that I have finally finished up this semester in school I want to get my diet together before the next semester begins and its harder to start something new.

Does anyone have any tips on how to keep your diet and exercise on track?

Thanks in advance for the advice :smile:


  • abracasqueak
    Well, I don't know of any websites that keep you on track besides ones like MFP, spark people etc. As far as a healthy diet and exercise, you should keep track by increasing fibrous foods like fruits and veggies, lean meats, low sodium soups etc. Eat to fuel your body, not to give in to your brain's sometimes not so healthy choices. Exercise...well, find something you enjoy and then stick to it! Personally I love yoga, pilates, cardio DVDs, and even just simply walking outside or on a treadmill. When it comes to diet and exercise, it is all about what works for your body.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    When I started my journey about 2 years ago I read up on nutrients and how they react with your body - what the different carbs do, what protien does, why you should eat fats, etc...There are a ton of books, articles, blogs, etc...and they are all totally confusing...because there is no cookie cutter approach as everyone is going to be different...some people swear by a low carb diet - others tout high fat -

    A good book that puts things out in a general laymans read is Master your Metabolism by Jillian gives good general background about what your body needs and how it uses all the different nutrients that can be found in fresh food...

    The best thing you can do is eat as clean as possible...cut out sodas, cut down on caffine coffees and teas, eat fresh or fresh frozen fruits and veggies - eat lean meats and fish - chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna - load up on food with good fats - avacado, almonds, walnuts, nut butters (peanut, almond cashew) - by cutting out as much processed food as you can you will lower your empty carb intake, lower your sodium, etc...

    It can be hard to do - espeically if you are a busy person...but a little planning ahead can work...When i do get a chance to cook i will make sure I cook enough for leftovers - so I can have something one night for dinner and get another meal or two out of it. I used bagged lettuce for salads, and use grape tomatoes - I try to chop up veggies and keep them in plastic container so I can easy grab and munch...

    if you do have occassion to go out to eat try to plan ahead - if it is a chain you can usually find nutrition information so you can make good choices (I'm going to O'Charleys for a lunch I already made my choices based on information from thier website and put them in MFP - so i can shake out the rest of my day...)
  • nicolebunny55
    Thanks for the information. I will look up some of those books and try my hardest to sit doen and plan out my meals from now on.