Need friends to help me lose the 30 I lost and gained back !

I lost 30 pounds about 2 tears ago and little my little I gain it back . I haven't been feeling good about myself lately. I feel like this site will help me keep on track . Please add me as a friend need some support :sad:


  • Cands_30
    I know how you feel. WE can do this!! I had lost 25lbs two years ago and was feeling the best I've felt in years. Unfortunately, a yr ago my husband and I seperated and now we are at the end of our divorce. However, I believe it was the best move for everyone. The emotional stress added to my weight gain. Now that I have turned 30 and made lots of positive changes I am ready to get my healthier self back. I have set a first goal to hit and with some support I know I can successfully reach it also. I started 15 days ago and have already lost 10 lbs. - 26 more to go! Good luck!! :0)
  • bballmom20
    I am exactly where you are as well. I had lost 30 lbs in 2009, now I'm right back where I started! So frustrated with myself! I started working towards better habits yesterday. I walked on the treadmill yesterday and today and have been counting calories and trying to make healthier choices. I decided to start making the changes now so that Jan 1st isn't such a shock to my body and hopefully won't be as difficult. I am giving myself a little room for error during the holidays but watch out 2012 I am losing it again and it isn't coming back this time!
  • jacalou
    jacalou Posts: 61 Member
    :smile: I've sent you a request! I'm looking to lose a good 25 - 30 lbs! We can do this together!
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Well you know MFP works if you use it! Also, you need a good exercise routine - what are you doing?
  • L02201958
    I have been over weight all my life. I have just lost 40 lbs and have 15 to go. I have always been taking care of every body but myself. Now its time I take care of myself. My boys are grown and out on their own. My husband passed 6 yrs ago and now I am free to concentrate on myself. I have tried spinning and found that I love it. And what a workout!!
    So that's it for now, Nice to meet you. and I know if I can do it we all can. Just keep on keeping on....{ If you fall, which we all do}
    Just get right back up and start over. But make sure you don"t beat yourself up. Never beat yourself up. We can do it!!
    Not sure how to make you my friend? You make me yours if you want.
  • rescueangel
    rescueangel Posts: 28 Member
    I'm with ya!!
    I went from 160lbs to 128lbs back in 2002, but after a difficult marriage and divorce I put it all back on and then some. By 2007 I hit 190lbs. Now at 165lbs I'm looking to get that last 35lbs off and could really use a cheering squad. At times I feel like it's never going to happen.....and then a big drop. It's so wonderful to be able to come in here and read others words of encouragement.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    we all have ups and downs, just sent an request =)
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Ladies - I can sense your frustration and sadness and determination....I am starting a 60 day Challenge group and have space for a few more people. I'd like to give my friends on MFP the first opportunity to take a look before I start inviting others. Would you like to hear more about it?
  • lori0118
    I would like to join the 60 day Challenge Group!
