done creepin'

I've lurked this site for, oh about ever but I'm here with an account & ready to rock and roll~
I'm 21, and weighed way too much to be healthy. After having my daughter at a young age I kind of just devoted everything to her and let myself go. After a harsh breakup earlier in the year I decided to be done being unhealthy and well here I am, 40 something pounds lighter and ready to keep moving forward.
So, Hi everyone :)


  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    hey there! good on you for your 40 pound weight loss! its hard getting started but once you see recults, motivation is so easy :)
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    I was a creeper for a while - now I find that actually having friends on here keeps you excited and accountable :)
    Feel free to add me!
    And congrats on the 40 pounds, WOW!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!!! 40 lbs. down is no joke -- you're well on your way! And figuring out that you need this for YOU is fantastic, too. Some folks I know haven't figured that out at age 40+, much less at 21. Way to go.
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    Good for you. I wish I had taken the steps I'm taking now when I was 21. Keep up the good work!
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    YAY! No more creepin'! Add me, I'd love to offer you support! Congrats on your hard work so far!! I'm doing an ugly dance just for you!