I'm in a RUT!

The past 3 months have been extremely difficult for me. I have had no drive in losing weight since I found out that my mom was diagnosed with cancer in September. I keep looking at myself in the mirror, hating what I am seeing, and still having no drive to do something about it. I thought I would just give it up until January 1, but I have decided that is the weaker side of me peaking out. I ordered a Zumba dvd set to get me going (which I am excited about!) and I have a treadmill that hasn't been used in months! I am only 27, I shouldn't be giving up on myself. For some reason, I feel like there is no hope for me. I used to weight 150 lbs when my husband & I got together, that was 10 years ago. Now, I weigh 210... I hate it. I just can't figure out what to do!

Sorry for my rant, but this is the only way I can get it out into the open and be optimistic about new ideas... Please help!

Lots of Love,


  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
    Sorry to hear about your mum. Don't give up on yourself. Take each day as it comes.
  • usmclc07
    Thank you! I am trying. Today is going to be my official first day. A lot of things need to change, I just need to suck it up and do it!
  • cdstaufenbiel
    cdstaufenbiel Posts: 45 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. It must be incredibly hard for you and your family to deal with that. I can only imagine how stressful and emotional the past few months have been for you. Although it will undoubtedly take effort to incorporate exercise back into your routine, you may find it helpful in handling the stress that you have been under for the past few months.

    Have you considered establishing smalll daily goals for the first few weeks while you transition back into your routine? Possibly setting a goal of 10 minutes of exercise (in any form- stretching, walking, jogging, house cleaning, etc) will help you break out of your rut and focus on the positive aspects of exercise.

    I need to take my own advice- I have fallen off the work out wagon ever since my office moved locations. My old office had a gym on site, so I was able to take advantage and go during my lunch hour. It was hard to make excuses when it was so convenient. I haven't been on a regular work out schedule since August. Ugh.

    I'm working from home today and I plan on firing up the treadmill in my basement during my lunch break.

    Keep us posted on how you like the Zumba dvds! Good luck, girl!