1200 cals from carbs- poss weight loss??



  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I ve seen here loads of people who lost 40 pounds in 4 months, 60 pounds in 6 months, so why it is not realistic for me ? And what type of exercise is more important , cardio or weight training?

    People with more to lose can lose can lose faster. The closer you are to your goal weight, the slower your weight loss should be for many many reasons. It's taken me nearly a year to lose 25 pounds! I probably could have afforded to lose more quickly in the beginning, but I didn't want to have to completely overhaul my entire life in one big step, so I broke it down into baby steps and know that my changes are permanent, as opposed to drastic temporary fixes.

    Amen Sister!
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Keep in Mind 'weight loss isnt easy, if it were wed all be skinny'
    Not sure where this quote came from but Ive heard it a few times.
    Oh, Christ!:ohwell: and here I am , thinking I will lose my extra weigth by March next year
  • MattWilcox81
    There is also an information website www.expertfatloss.com which has excellent easy to understand weight loss articles and guides. I send some of my clients there for homework reading. I’ve been a personal trainer for 6 years and have studied weight loss and nutrition, the websites I mentioned contain accurate information. At least it’s very up to date based on recent tests and theories, a rarity these days!

    Anyone can do ANYTHING if they are prepared to invest a little of themselves.
