edamame question

so I usually eat these things without a care in the world but since I am counting calories, I have to pay attention.

I know its 60 calories for 1/2 cup of the edible portion but has anyone actually measured how many pods equals to 1/2 cup of the soybeans???

I just measure 1 cup and then assume I've eaten 1/2 cup of the soybeans.



  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    so I usually eat these things without a care in the world but since I am counting calories, I have to pay attention.

    I know its 60 calories for 1/2 cup of the edible portion but has anyone actually measured how many pods equals to 1/2 cup of the soybeans???

    I just measure 1 cup and then assume I've eaten 1/2 cup of the soybeans.

  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    Hi I just looked these up because I had heard a lot about them but didn't really know what they where. Are they good? Where do you get them if they are in your supermarket. What section? Anyway when I looked them up it said that 1 1/8 cup of pods = 1/2 cup shelled hope that helps
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    oh thanks for looking it up... that is a lot of help.

    You can get them pretty much anywhere now. I am not sure where you are from but I am from Toronto, and they are just in the frozen section of the grocery store. Like where your frozen veggies are.

    Edamame are immature soybeans. You just boil the entire thing and then you eat the soybeans inside. It takes like 5 mins to cook and it says you can add salt to taste but I quite like them without the sale.