

  • veggie_1200
    My lips, my hair, and my eyes
  • veggie_1200
    PS I like this thread :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    love this! bumping for when i need it <33
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    i can't get over myself sometimes, :love: it's pretty darn ridiculous ..i'm such a Leo ;) lol..
    really tho, i'm very self assured! and i can't seem to understand why anyone else isn't??!! :huh:
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Hey guys and gals ;)

    I couldn't help but notice that lately there have been many more threads relating to bringing down our bodies than normal. I've seen an increase in "what do you hate about yourself" and "ughhh my body sucks"

    THANK YOU. I noticed that today too, and I was slightly appalled. I mean seriously, we should be lifting each other and ourselves up. Here's mine:
    1. My cute face
    2. My naturally curly, free-flowing hair
    3. My voluptuous butt
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    <--- self image still caught up in numbers rather than looks. I hate looking at me a lot of the time. I don't know how to fix that (but I've bumped for later).

    What I do love about me ain't nothing to do with appearances. I'm fitter, happier and more flexible. At least the fitter bit is useful.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    i can't get over myself sometimes, :love: it's pretty darn ridiculous ..i'm such a Leo ;)

    Ditto! It was actually hard for me to get serious about losing weight for a long time because even though I needed to do it to be healthy, I never looked in the mirror and saw anything that I just hated!

  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks for directing me to that video - it was awesome!!!

    Oh - and I love it when I catch someone checking me out. :blushing:
  • rrgrove
    my butt my hair and i used to hate my face (that may sound stupid but i used to have really bad acne and was made fun of for it all the time) but i know think i am beautiful even if its in my own way
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    i can't get over myself sometimes, :love: it's pretty darn ridiculous ..i'm such a Leo ;)

    Ditto! It was actually hard for me to get serious about losing weight for a long time because even though I needed to do it to be healthy, I never looked in the mirror and saw anything that I just hated!

    me too!! i lost about 12-13 lbs and had no idea i needed to in the first place lol
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I've always had good clear skin, I really like that

    I used to hate my butt because is big, but my bf make me realize that its sexy.

    I like my hair, it is super long, almost down to my waist. Everyone always comments on it when I wear it down, which is rare cause its such a pain.

    I think I have a pretty cute nose
  • JJhoney
    Loving your body is what creates awesome workouts! And awesome results! FEEL THE LOVE!!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I also have clear skin which is my greatest asset of all. I also love my eyes but sometimes I wishing to have an even more prominent browbones although people here says my eyes already look somewhat deep. Sometimes I wish to inherit my dad's nose although mine is not short & flat but it doesn't have high bridge like my dad's. Also one thing I hated is my height because I'm just 1.57m (5'2") that I got from my mom although she's shorter than me. But as I get older, meeting more people especially my fellow mixed-race people & with having a fitter & healthier body, I now learning to appreciate my uniqueness plus this is the first time ever that I'm seeing my own abs & to think that just less than 2 years ago, I was obese with a BMI of 30.2 & a body fat of 30%.
  • bublita
    I love that video!!! I love this thread!!

    Thank youuuu for starting it.

    I love my eyes, lips, hair... and I was noticing how strong my legs felt on the massive hills I was walking up this morning during my workout. :D
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Bumping this out of sheer principle that the "what do you dislike about your body" had way more responses.
  • jeninabilan
    jeninabilan Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I am loving reading all of your input and what y'all love about your bodies! So proud of everyone :) And yes, it is true.. when you love your body, you treat it better, eat better and have better workouts and therefore better results.

    Y'all are beautiful :)