cheat day



  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I think you also have to define what a "cheat day" is - as people it seem have very different versions. If cheat day means you have a scoop or two of real cream ice cream that is something very different than you go out to eat twice, throw all counting and caution to the wind, and eat all the snacks that have been off limits all week. I personally don't think cheat day is the right word for either practice as cheat implies getting ahead by unscrupulous method of not following the rules. I think that diet pills and not eating fall more into cheat category than a "day off".

    Maybe more of a "break day" to give you some mental time off (some people find logging everything emotionally draining, or resisting all snacks too implausible for the long term) or sometimes a little physical recovery.

    I say, if you want to - try it - keep it within reason - be aware of it - and then watch the scale (and tape measure) - you will know if it works for you or not.
  • brewer_gal
    Something to think about in terms of how often you have a cheat day... I teach the behavioral portion of a weight loss program used at our hospital (and our organization across the country). One statistic I tell people that we were taught is that if you add up typcial cheat days, such as weekends, holidays, birthday celebrations, and all of those other special occasions, it's almost 3 MONTHS PER YEAR!

    So, if you cheat now and then that's not bad, actually prevents more binge eating, but keep that stat in mind. Either way, being responsible for what you eat is important, glad to see you are doing it!:happy:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Nothing wrong with a cheat day. Some people find that it doesn't necessarily help with their weight loss, so keep that in mind. I used to have cheat meals, not days, but I haven't had one in a while. Actually I had one planned for last Saturday, but ended up in the hospital for gallbladder surgery. Just my luck, haha. I'm not upset about it though. I've gotten to the point where cheat meals/cheat days aren't as good as they seem. I use it as a trick though. If I'm craving something (such as right now I really want some pumpkin pie), I tell myself that if I'm still craving it by the end of the week, I'll let myself have a cheat meal. By the time I get to the date set, I don't even want it anymore.

    The last time I had a cheat meal though, I didn't even really want it. I was just being lazy; didn't want to sit there and try to find something healthy on the restaurant's menu. There I was eating a philly cheesesteak and french fries, and even though I was stuffed, I even ate some of my brother's french fries too. Couldn't seem to stop myself and ended up feeling guilty about it later. I try to always plan my cheat meals earlier in the week, so that I don't feel guilty about it.

    So, use it to your advantage! Cheat days really keep you sane and on track when your first starting out, but I'll bet you'll find (as I have) that you don't really need one later on. If you're ever craving something that you know you can't fit into your calorie goals, tell yourself that you can plan a cheat meal/day for it.
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    Your goal is to succeed, and only you can determine what is best for you. However, my personal trainer told me the first day that we started working out together (3 weeks ago) that he advices everyone to have one "cheat" meal per week. If you do not allow yourself to have something you enjoy, you will eventually start feeling like you are depriving yourself and missing out. As a result you will go back to your bad habit of overeating unhealthy food. Generally, I allow one meal per week (usually on Saturday or Sunday) in which I eat whatever I want. Also, this meal seems to give me something to look forward to throughout the week. I stay focused on my strict 1200 calorie diet because I know that I will have that one meal during the weekend.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Having a cheat meal every once in a while keeps me on track in the long run.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    pegm, hey, try those Ghiradelli chocolate chips, the ones you use when you make cookies........They are in the dark bag, and it says %60 Cocoa.........they are not only good to munch on, but they have good glucose moderation

    I read somewhere that it even helps lower blood pressure, but just a small amount.......again, Ghiradelli is the name, look at the bag next time you go to the store, they have like 5 cals per chip, but 20 - 30 of em fill you up...........I dont feel so guilty when I do eat em, even I like to have some treats every now and then...........Good luck, Lloyd
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    It's actually good to have a day a week or so where you go over your allotted calories. It keeps your metabolism on its toes so to speak.

    Hey...I allow myself one splurge day per week (nothing nuts, but I have gone over calories by 500 or so) and I've lost 16 pounds...
  • alissaanne
    I agree with most of the other members, cheating on purpose is really not a great idea. Of course you want to enjoy life and all, but I would decide how well you know yourself and how likely you think it will be that you STAY off the wagon after cheating. If you can go out for a burger 1 night a month and get right back to your healthy eating the next day I say go for it! I tend to reward myself with my one weakness, Mexican food! If I have worked my butt off all month without cheating, I go out to eat...that includes chips, drinks and whatever I will however notice that if you haven't eaten crappy all month, you might feel a little sick from all the fat and grease...or at least I do...and that reminds me of how great it feels to eat healthy! Hope this helps :)