Wheat/dairy free diet driving me crazy!



  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't see the point in giving them up if you're just going to look up ways to make similar foods with different ingredients or use substitutes that are basically the same thing. Just because an ice cream isn't dairy or you're using a different type of flour doesn't really make it healthier for you.
  • nhbthaler
    I used to do no-gluten no-casein in short little spurts (i.e. on the order of weeks) in the hopes it would help me keep my weight low and it wasn't until I ditched both for good that the weight finally fell off.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've gone wheat free/low carb in general (but still eat small amount of dairy as didn't eat that much to be honest anyway.. other than milk in tea and cereals)

    Rice doesn't contain wheat gluten so you could have something like Rice Krispies with the lactose free milk or almond milk or something (if you don't have nut allergy) I sprinkle a few coco pops in with mine to make it sweeter without adding sugar and satisfy my choc cravings without eating an entire bowl of just coco pops! You can have curry and rice if you do a tomato based curry rather than a korma style one that would contain cream and again rice is gluten free or can whizz cauliflower up in processer to rice size and steam in microwave and use that as your 'rice'.

    You can get gluten free bread.. I don't eat loads but I like scrambled egg on toast at weekend so use it for this (lasts longer if you cut it into slices then freeze the slices) and gluten free pitta's make nice healthy kebabs or a mini pizza base. (though would mean adding cheese?)

    Oats are ok, I found a nice rhubarb crumble topped with oats instead of pastry, and found gluten free brownies.. I think if you find a few small treats you can have every week or so you won't feel like your depriving yourself and you can always exercise that day to earn more calories to cover your 'treat meals'.

    If you enjoy baking or want to have a go, a bag of gluten free flour will probably be cheaper than a loaf, you could try and make your own or also use it for egg-less batter (flour and sparkling water like chefs do on telly) for pancakes for a treat? or dip vegtables in it and do vegetables in a tempura batter or prawns? ,, as a treat meal I'm thinking. obviously they be high in calories as fried but would be gluten free and again you could exercise that day to earn those extra calories so you don't gain weight after treat days.

    There is a gluten free group on here you can join for ideas too, I joined recently and someone gave me recipie for gluten free yorkshire puddings! :happy:
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I asked my doc about this and his eyes went really wide, he don't agree with it at all
    He tells me don't call it a diet, eat what you want within moderation just stay away from fast food junk food processed food and such like that and treat when you make your goals =)

    What ive learned from my doctors and a bit of what ive done on my journey is this....

    females no less than 1200 cals a day men 1800 a day
    Always burn more than you consume for great weight loss
    Your body will always have a certain amount a day you will burn just sitting on your butt
    For example my body alone is roughly 1600 a day just sitting around doing nothing
    I consume around 1200-1400 a day

    Low carb is key, heavier carbs in the morning

    Whole grains keep you fuller longer & fresh fruit and veggies and lean meats
    Personally I do red meat and taters 2x a week

    Remember the heavier you are the more calories you will burn and the smaller you get the harder it gets but we can't let that get us down :)

    Like example I gained 195lbs when I quit smoking, I was 135 when I graduated almost 12yrs ago, quit smoking gained weight but didn't get on track til March 2009 when my docs got on my case saying they didn't want me to have a kid til I was at a good weight, October 2010 I lost 156lbs then came stress of buying selling houses, now after my slack phase im back on track in the last month I lost almost 6 lbs :)

    I been trying to burn a extra 500-1200 cals a day on top of the 1600 cals and everything else, one thing im trying to watch is sodium and carbs, not trying to burn 4000+ like I was last year a day cause my doc said if im trying to have a baby at the sametime don't over do it just do what I can :)

    we can do this =)

    Just remember burn more than you eat just don't consume under 1200 cals as long as ur getting 1200 and plenty of water your good :D (1800 for a guy)

    Muscle weighs more than fat, muscle burns more fat

    3500 cals to put ON a lb
    3500 burned cals to take OFF a lb

    If you eat less than those carbs your body will go into starvation mode and store everything & we don't want that!

    hope that helps I know it helped me :)

    Also set your goals and when you make that goal treat yourself and only half a slice of cake or whatever of a normal serving size

    remember fast food/processed food/junk food stay away from it til your treat yourself day for making your goal =)
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I've been wheat free since January this year. Feel free to look at my diary.

    I have a little gift for you......
    Take a bunch of ripe bananas peel them and cut into thirds. Freeze them tonight.
    Tomorrow put them into a food processor, at first they will look like chopped nuts, keep whizzing them up.
    They will turn into the MOST delicious good for you no added anything ICECREAM ever.
    Give it a go and message me to let me know what you thought.....It's delicious....

    Your Welcome.
  • bigbugboo
    I am wheat and sugar free (most of the time, I have been known to indulge on my days off). I have eaten this way for a while now, and have found many different ways to enjoy my food. There's so much choice out there that you shouldn't feel deprived, lol. I know it can feel like that in the beginning, but I bet you will find yourself getting really resourceful in no time.

    I wouldn't go back to wheat and sugar full-time as it is like poison to me. It makes me feel sluggish, bloated, headachey and just generally bad. The weight has come off well for me (almost 1 stone, 14lb in 9 weeks). I'm doing it the slow and healthy way, but it is the best way. Let me know if you'd like some help with recipes etc. : )
  • bigbugboo
    I've been wheat free since January this year. Feel free to look at my diary.

    I have a little gift for you......
    Take a bunch of ripe bananas peel them and cut into thirds. Freeze them tonight.
    Tomorrow put them into a food processor, at first they will look like chopped nuts, keep whizzing them up.
    They will turn into the MOST delicious good for you no added anything ICECREAM ever.
    Give it a go and message me to let me know what you thought.....It's delicious....

    Your Welcome.

    I freeze all kinds of fruits and put them through my juicer (it has a special attachment for making icecream). I love banana, strawberry and peach together. It looks so pretty and tastes fantastic!
  • honeyb7
    Get the book by Dr. William Davis, "Wheat Belly" It will help you to understand about wheat and why it might be better for you to cut it out of your diet. But it also gives you alternatives to eat healthy, including recipes and meal a plan. Part of the struggle of being a carboholic for me is once I start eating carbs (gluten free or not) I just crave more. And yes the withdrawal from these types of carbs (not all carbs are bad, just the ones that raise your gylcemic index too high, which gives you the highs and lows throughout the day) can be difficult. Reading about this stuff has helped in my journey to health.
    Friend me if you'd like some support!:smile:
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks for all the advice! I know several people have told that this drastic change is not good for me. I do know that cutting out dairy won't hurt me one bit, especially with all the things I know about milk as someone said earlier. Plus 80% of people lose the ability to properly digest milk after infancy because the enzymes disappear. I know for a fact I'm one of those people because as a kid I could never keep dairy down. It also makes me sick if I eat too much now as an adult, so as much as I will miss it I think it's beneficial for me to cut it out.

    I also know that my body doesn't really like the breads/pastas that much because I've always ballooned up when I eat too much of it. I'm not saying I'm going carb-less because I did Atkins and gained all the weight back and then some right after I started eating carbs again! For now though I will at least go the 6 weeks and try to make better choices and eat these things a lot less often.

    So i'm about to go to the grocery store, I feel much better this week than I did last week, thats for sure!
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I've been wheat free since January this year. Feel free to look at my diary.

    I have a little gift for you......
    Take a bunch of ripe bananas peel them and cut into thirds. Freeze them tonight.
    Tomorrow put them into a food processor, at first they will look like chopped nuts, keep whizzing them up.
    They will turn into the MOST delicious good for you no added anything ICECREAM ever.
    Give it a go and message me to let me know what you thought.....It's delicious....

    Your Welcome.

    That is what I gave my babies for ice cream. It is so good.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I've been wheat free since January this year. Feel free to look at my diary.

    I have a little gift for you......
    Take a bunch of ripe bananas peel them and cut into thirds. Freeze them tonight.
    Tomorrow put them into a food processor, at first they will look like chopped nuts, keep whizzing them up.
    They will turn into the MOST delicious good for you no added anything ICECREAM ever.
    Give it a go and message me to let me know what you thought.....It's delicious....

    Your Welcome.

    That is what I gave my babies for ice cream. It is so good.

    I will have to try it. It sounds interesting. lol.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    main thing with dairy Vit D and that helps with ur energy level..... mine went to single digits when I tried to cut out dairy and i was tired all the time and cranky my doc almost flipped when he seen what was going on with me
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    main thing with dairy Vit D and that helps with ur energy level..... mine went to single digits when I tried to cut out dairy and i was tired all the time and cranky my doc almost flipped when he seen what was going on with me

    I've been taking a multivitamin and b6 for energy. Plus there are other places I can get it from but for now I am actually not missing milk! lol