Just a littttle bit of motivation :)

Some time last week I wrote a note to myself.. A motivational note. I wrote down everything I was feeling, & why I was feeling that way. I realized my past was holding me back.. So, I decided to share something I wrote:

"Soon or later I'm going to have to get over these things. What's done is done, and my past is in the past for a reason. If I don't make the necessary changes now, I will be stuck like this forever. Unhappy and unhealthy. I will be in my 40's (keep in mind I'm ONLY 19) trying to lose weight, and wondering why I never did it while I was younger. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to go through life wondering why I never accomplished the goals I had set for myself. How can I look back and say "I never lost weight because I was lazy," or "I never lost weight because I loved food too much." I can't keep doing this to myself. I refuse to keep doing this to myself."

I guess my reason for sharing this is because EVERYBODY deserves to be happy and healthy. No matter what age you are. Every day when you wake up - and every night before you go to sleep - tell yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Feel free to add me <3


  • Freax
    Freax Posts: 91 Member
    I wrote a note to myself as well. I think my past has something to do with holding me back as well, so here is a little quote I made up... The past gives you the means to not make the same mistakes in your present and future lives. Some might say that it is better to forget about the past, but the past can haunt you if you don't use it to your advantage. I hope we can move on and make ourselves better people for the future. :) Good luck!