resistance machines

i've been using the resistance machines a few times a week at the gym for the last month or so and noticed something strange. the next morning i always have a killer headache. first few times i thought it was a fluke but now i know it is all the time whether i do 10 minutes or 30 minutes. i don't do on an empty stomach, stretch before and after, drink plenty of water through out and rest between machines. if i use the free weights i don't have this problem. any ideas why or suggestions how to keep it from happening? :grumble:


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't have any idea why this might be happening, but because it IS happening to you, now would be the perfect time to plan your routines using barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. A lot of people will tell you that's what you should be doing anyway, regardless of headaches. I use a combo of both, but instead of trying to figure out why machines make you get headaches, just do your whole routines without them.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Do you wear your hair up?
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I know if it were me, I'd avoid the machines.
    What are the staff using to clean the equipment?

    It could be anything or nothing. Good news is that free weights are GREAT too.
    In a few weeks hit the machines just to see what's up.
  • misslyssa319
    misslyssa319 Posts: 186 Member
    i do prefer the free wights and kettleball but also like the machines because i know my form and range of motion are correct. and i only use the upper body machines. yes, i always have my hair in a ponytail but it is a loose one and pretty much about to fall out any minute. my hubby thinks it might be tension headaches...