


  • Momkat65
    Momkat65 Posts: 317 Member
    My friend was a little overweight when she got pregnant, was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, she did exactly as her Dr recommended for diet
    She only gained about 5 pounds total, she was HUGE before she gave birth, had baby and weighed 15 pounds less than pre-preg weight.
    Follow your Dr recommendations- It can be done!
  • Thanks....this all helps. Right now the need to eat everything I see is not an issue although as I get closer to sue date I know temptation will be hard. It's just will power I know but I'm human and get weak. Just trying to stay strong right now and hopefully I can knock that temptation out of the way. Just still a little worried.
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Sounds like a lot of good advice here for you! Good luck and congratulations!!!
  • Thanks all...good advice. I will keep all in mind.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    talk to your doctor... my cousin was overweight when she got pregnant, and the doc said she should only gain about 15 lbs during the whole pregnancy. he encouraged her to eat a balanced and lean diet, but still get plenty of calories, and also to exercise by walking.

    you should get real medical advice on this one to protect the health of you & your baby...

    They changed these guidelines. If I remember right it's 10-12 pounds if overweight. So work on not gaining and trying to maintain. I would figure out your maintenance calories, add 300-500 a day, and try to stick with it. See what happens.

    I know it's not easy!

    Adding 500 extra calories per day would put her gaining about 1 lb per week or 23 lbs over the rest of the pregnancy. I'm not OP's dr. but I'm guessing that's more than they would recommend if OP is currently overweight.
  • I was over weight and diabetic with 3 of my pregnancies. Be honest with your doctor about your concerns. They will not take kindly to the idea of "dieting" during pregnancy, but should advise you so that you only gain the neccesary weight for health. I was always put on 2000 calories during pregnancy to control my diabetes. The last one I actually lost 30 lbs, but the doctor wasn't mad. He said as long as my measurements were on the growth marks and the ultrasounds were good it was normal. Just don't lie to your doctor. If you start to drop weight or fail to gain they will know.