Hangover breakfast!



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i'm hungover now and the thought of food makes me want to vomit!!!!
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    My fav is biscuits and gravy with a sunny side egg and bacon on top of the biscuits then smothered in gravy with hash browns.
    Nom Nom Nom.

    You just made me drool...
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    And also, it is sooo unhealthy for us not to eat everything in moderation............

    Just thought it was funny that Grokette posted this on another post, but I guess if were talkin about a hangover its NOT ok! lol

    I Always took 2 aleve before bed after a night of drinking, and the next day when I woke around lunch (LOL) I would eat the biggest greasiest cheeseburger I could find. Generally I wouldn't eat anythign else the rest of the day though!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    My fav is biscuits and gravy with a sunny side egg and bacon on top of the biscuits then smothered in gravy with hash browns.
    Nom Nom Nom.

    You just made me drool...
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    If you wake up spewing, do NOT DRINK WATER. It is too alkaline to mix with your acidic stomach and you will just hurl it right up! Drink the water before you go to bed/pass out. Next day, sprite, 7 up, or gatorade. And usually, I just throw cautions to the wind and eat a frozen pizza for my cure. Not very healthy but then again, it is what it is! Have fun!

    Water isn't alkaline, (unless there are limestone type minerals in the supply), it's neutral and everything else is measured from water being 0. So that would dilute your acidic stomach content yes?

    Within reason you should be able to drink as much water as you want to. The carbonised drinks you mention both contain mostly water and a little additional acid, so not an ideal choice. If it works for you though that's cool.

    How did you eat the frozen pizza, did you suck on it? (Sorry - very facetious) :happy:
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    Breakfast? If you're gong to have a hangover, sleep through breakfast, get up and take three advil for your headache then drive to the nearest McDonalds for a big fat double cheeseburger with big mac sauce, large fry and a coke. Once you've finished that return home and crawl back into bed. :drinker:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Breakfast? If you're gong to have a hangover, sleep through breakfast, get up and take three advil for your headache then drive to the nearest McDonalds for a big fat double cheeseburger with big mac sauce, large fry and a coke. Once you've finished that return home and crawl back into bed. :drinker:

    Thought for sure you would say menudo?
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member


    Eewww - that looks like the product of a hangover not the cure. Hope it smells/tastes better than it looks
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    My fav is biscuits and gravy with a sunny side egg and bacon on top of the biscuits then smothered in gravy with hash browns.
    Nom Nom Nom.

    Erm, can I just clarify....when you say biscuits surely you're not talking about the chocolate coated variety that you then smother with gravy? You need to be a bit clearer here for us brits...biscuits, bacon n gravy do not go together, bacon, beans n egg or gravy n chips, then you have the biscuits with your nice english cuppa, lol!!!

    tell you something you dont' need a hangover to enjoy those babies...

    I've been on here for 61 days now, and am half way through my goal (only wanted to lose 12lbs) n you know what, during this time I've had pizza, chinese, chips, cake, biscuits, sweets n chocolate, and horror of horror, alcohol, although not at the same time, ha, yet I've still lost weight and while doing so, I've enjoyed myself

    so stick that in your pipe n smoke it, little miss party pooper!!! :laugh: :drinker:
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I've had some experience with hangovers. First off, you can cut the symptoms way down by drinking a liter of water just before you crash. Since I can't eat eggs (allergies), my "pre-MFP" hangover cure was a huge plate of biscuits and sausage gravy, washed down with multiple cups of strong, black coffee, and a gatorade.

    Now that I'm trying to (a) feed myself a little better and (b) still kill hangovers, I'd skip the gravy, and go for a toasted bagel with a sausage patty and cheese, with plenty of coffee and gatorade.

    I figure, part of the point of losing weight and becoming more healthy is so that I can overindulge sometimes, but with less guilt and weight gain from it. After all, if I'm trying to extend my life, what am I extending it for? Fun, of course.

    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.

  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I drink water while I'm drinking beer, usually while I'm waiting for the next to be delivered, I take B12 before I drink, and excederine before I go to sleep, and sometimes I'll grab a slice or make a sandwich before bed too, depending on how drunk I am. Then the next morning, I drink water, somemore vitamin B12 and my go to is an avacado sandwich, just bread avacado and mayo (not a meat or egg eater) my husband puts bacon on his and we are usually both good by noon, he's starts feeling better quicker than me so bacon must be a good addition. I can't sleep in, I'm incapable, so we can get home at 2am and I'm still up by 6am, so sleepless and hungover is cured with my avacado sammich! Oh, and getting up and being active helps too, if you just lay around all day then you feel it everytime you get up, so I get up, clean the house while the coffee is making and do some laundry and what not, the cool air outside this time of year does wonders too.

    I don't think that drinking when your trying to make yourself healthier is a bad thing either, neither is having days where you don't track. Granted, I have only been doing this for about 2 months, but in 2 monthes all together I've lost 27lbs. I thoroughly enjoyed thanksgiving, and I intend to thouroughly enjoy christmas, I didn't log what I ate because I didn't want to ruin it for myself (the fun of the holidays, not my diet), but I did do extra workouts in the following week, and never gained a pound. I drink on occasion, I used to have a beer almost everynight, wind down after work. But this is a lifestyle change for me, and I know that I wouldn't stick to it if I had to cut out all fun too, cutting out brownies was devestating enough, lol.

    Don't feel bad about having fun, some people enjoy life with friends and a few drinks, some just with friends, and some enjoy sitting on the couch with a cat and MASH reruns wishing that the phone will ring and eating only superbly healthy foods, while bashing other posters for not being as pure as themselves.... :)
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    It was sex on a plate...
    great sex.


    Eewww - that looks like the product of a hangover not the cure. Hope it smells/tastes better than it looks
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.
    ...and deliciousness.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I've had some experience with hangovers. First off, you can cut the symptoms way down by drinking a liter of water just before you crash. Since I can't eat eggs (allergies), my "pre-MFP" hangover cure was a huge plate of biscuits and sausage gravy, washed down with multiple cups of strong, black coffee, and a gatorade.

    Now that I'm trying to (a) feed myself a little better and (b) still kill hangovers, I'd skip the gravy, and go for a toasted bagel with a sausage patty and cheese, with plenty of coffee and gatorade.

    I figure, part of the point of losing weight and becoming more healthy is so that I can overindulge sometimes, but with less guilt and weight gain from it. After all, if I'm trying to extend my life, what am I extending it for? Fun, of course.

    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.


    thanks for that, was getting a bit concerned about weird eating habits there, lol. still don't fancy the idea of it with gravy, prefer mine to have raisins in, haha
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    My fav is biscuits and gravy with a sunny side egg and bacon on top of the biscuits then smothered in gravy with hash browns.
    Nom Nom Nom.

    You just made me drool...

    Holy! Get in my mouth you gravy egg biscuit you
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    Breakfast? If you're gong to have a hangover, sleep through breakfast, get up and take three advil for your headache then drive to the nearest McDonalds for a big fat double cheeseburger with big mac sauce, large fry and a coke. Once you've finished that return home and crawl back into bed. :drinker:

    Thought for sure you would say menudo?

    I would rather have pozole, but if all they have is menudo and I have a hangover, yep I'd eat it.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    and lots o' B U T T E R
    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.
    ...and deliciousness.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    and lots o' B U T T E R
    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.
    ...and deliciousness.
    (high five)
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    back atcha
    and lots o' B U T T E R
    Oh, and andie: what you Brits call biscuits are cookies here. US biscuits are more like a British scone. Flour, fat, baking powder, salt.
    ...and deliciousness.
    (high five)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member

    Anything Mexican, really.

    Oh, yah...........anything Mexican is awesome for a hangover! And, if you do it right, you should be able to low-cal it a bit ;)
    And LOTS of Gatorade or Powerade - those electrolytes really DO help the hangover.

    and Excedrin! Extra Strength.....the caffeine in it will help kick that headache.

    HAVE FUN!!!